New stretch target
Any extra money raised will be used to offset more of our campaign costs and in particular the printing of leaflets and literature to help us reach as many voters as possible.
Local SNP campaign to re-elect Jamie Hepburn as the MSP for Cumbernauld and Kilsyth in the Scottish Parliament elections on the 6th May 2021
by Alan Masterton in Cumbernauld, Scotland, United Kingdom
Any extra money raised will be used to offset more of our campaign costs and in particular the printing of leaflets and literature to help us reach as many voters as possible.
The candidate
Jamie Hepburn was elected MSP for Cumbernauld and Kilsyth in 2011 and re-elected in 2016. He currently serves as Minister for Business, Fair Work and Skills in the Scottish Government. Jamie lives in Cumbernauld with his family.
The campaign
Local SNP members are gearing up to help Jamie fight this year's election. However, we do need your help to win. The current global pandemic makes it a little harder for us to hold social events and fund-raise as we usually would. If you feel able to then we would be extremely grateful if you could donate to our campaign crowdfunder. Our local campaign will be funded entirely by Cumbernauld and Kilsyth SNP and all money raised will be spent in this constituency. We'd love you to help our campaign in any way you can.
What do we need money for?
These are some of the major campaign expenses we need to fund:
Campaign literature - Producing leaflets is the greatest expense of our campaign, and because of the current coronavirus situation it may cost us a little more than usual in order for them to be delivered through all 30,000 letter boxes in Cumbernauld and Kilsyth. It's really important to get accurate information out to voters and to make it easy for them to get in touch with us.
Letters to voters - While the purpose of leafleting is to ensure a blanket delivery of information across the constituency, writing letters to voters is all about targeted communication and following up on contacts we have made. Our campaigners have already contacted many thousands of electors in Cumbernauld and Kilsyth over previous election campaigns. It's very important to stay in touch with those voters, so we follow up the initial contact with personally addressed letters.
Posters & other material - We want to give window posters, stickers, and badges to any supporter that would like to show their support. A good display of window posters and a high profile ensures everyone knows there is an election on and encourages SNP supporters to get out and vote.
So these are the kinds of things we are asking you to help fund. Fighting a really good local campaign requires money and we want to fight the best campaign possible.
It's really important that we take nothing for granted. Opinion polls may show us in the lead but we are going to campaign for every single vote in this constituency, just as we have always done.
You can donate any amount. Please be assured that any donation, however small or large, will make a real difference and help us secure a decisive win in Cumbernauld and Kilsyth.
If you are kind enough to donate more than £50 to Jamie’s campaign, your name and address will be checked against the electoral register to ensure that you are eligible to donate. Your name, but not your address, will be made available to the council and Electoral Commission on request after the election.
This page is promoted by John Bowman, on behalf of Jamie Hepburn, of 16 Hayston Road, Cumbernauld, G68 0BS