Rathcoole ABC Fight in the ring

by Rathcoole Boxing Club in Newtownabbey, Antrim and Newtownabbey, United Kingdom

Total raised £10,020

£10,000 target 13 days left
100% 28 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 23rd February 2025 at 11:45am

Develop a fully inclusive fitness, lifestyle and healthy mind, healthy body for young people at risk of offending/involvement in crime

by Rathcoole Boxing Club in Newtownabbey, Antrim and Newtownabbey, United Kingdom


Rathcoole Boxing Club: Who We Are

Rathcoole Boxing Club is a small but ambitious club based in the heart of a disadvantaged community on the outskirts of North Belfast

Most of our boxers live in Rathcoole which is ranked in the top 15% (135) most deprived areas of Northern Ireland. Of the measures of Multiple deprivation highlighted by NISRA , Health and Disability (123) income affecting Children (52), Crime and disorder (225) and Employment (102), all contribute to a concerning environment for our young people.

 Working with the PSNI, schools and the Youth Justice Agency, we want to deliver a project that engages young people in positive, life-altering activities and offers alternatives to possible low-level offending, nuisance or Anti-social Behaviours.

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Why are we crowdfunding?

We have identified a number of factors that create barriers to engagement in sport. These barriers need to be overcome in order to ‘level the playing field’ and create accessible sporting opportunities.  We will focus on reducing the obstacles to a more active participation in sports, particularly amongst young people engaged in anti-social behaviour in our community via:

 Develop alternative methods to facilitate ways to enjoy sport or exercise

Overcome the misconception that they may lack a particular physique or co-ordination skills 

Removing frustration with complex or unclear rules

Remove concerns with the cost of activities by removing the need for any individual to make a payment

Again, by covering the cost of equipment/r, we will remove costs as an obstacle to participation 

By focussing on our local community we will eliminate the need to travel significant distances to activities and where there is a need to offer transport to and from the club, our volunteers and coaches will (with the stringent observation of Safeguarding protocols) be available to offer transport 

We have removed the threat of intimidation by ensuring there is a safe and welcoming environment for all

Where there is a reluctance to engage in competitive sports we will focus on non-competitive, and where necessary, non-contact training.


How we’ll spend the money raised

We want to establish a brand new engagement programme for our local young people who have been identified as being 'at risk' of offending and/or receiving a criminal record. Using boxing as a 'diversionary' activity 

The sport of boxing is a proven motivator for establishing good citizenship and a bridge away from offending behaviours via diversionary activities for at-risk young people or those involved in or likely to become involved in, ‘risky’ behaviours.

We want to establish a new, introductory Boxing programme for young people who are potentially coming into regular, negative contact with the police/criminal justice system, we will channel their energy into something productive and instil values such as hard work, discipline, and respect.

The Club will base its primary focus on promoting physical and mental well-being as an intricate part our plans to turn young people away from a path of criminality.


Community impact

Physical fitness benefits

Positive mental health outcomes

Greater levels of self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth

Foster greater social interaction and reduction of isolation and exclusion

Imbue a strong sense of discipline, consistency and respect

Develop a strong sense of belonging and connectedness amongst individuals

Ultimately, we believe we can offer young people a clear pathway to allow them to make more appropriate and sustainable lifestyle decisions 


How you can play your part

There are a few simple ways to help us reach our target, and make this project a reality.

You can go to our crowdfunding page and make a donation.

Please tell everyone you know that they can join you and support a great club and a great cause

If you claim one of our REWARDS you can make a gift and at the same time, receive a ‘reward’ from us.
 If you are a company, you can choose to offer a reward to our supporters to enjoy once they have donated, such as a discount voucher to spend in your store or offer ‘a buy one get, one free’ deal

Also, as a company, you could consider advertising your brand or company in the club or select an element of our work to sponsor

Or enter custom amount


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£30 or more

0 of 10 claimed

£30 Reward

Donate £30 to Our appeal and you can claim 25% of a male haircut at Perfection Barbers (Shore Road Newtown Abbey)

£50 or more

0 of 10 claimed

£50 Reward

Make a donation of £50 or more, during February and the first ten people to donate can claim 25% discount on a home security system supplied and fitted by 5 Star CCTV And Security

Show your support

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