Raise the Roof for Refugees

by Action Foundation in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 31st December 2023 we successfully raised £14,715 ( + est. £994.75 Gift Aid ) with 194 supporters in 0 days

Help us give hope to homeless asylum seekers and refugees this winter.

by Action Foundation in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United Kingdom

Imagine having nowhere to live during these cold winter months, with only a sleeping bag or flimsy tent to keep off the rain. This is what many people seeking sanctuary here are facing right now as a homelessness emergency hits refugees and asylum seekers.

Action Foundation has seen a six-fold increase in the number of people coming to us with nowhere to call home in the last three months alone.

Newly-recognised refugees get a maximum of 28 days to move out of their accommodation and find somewhere to rent. With sky-high private rents and a shortage of social housing, many people are literally being left out on the street.


Action Foundation manages 17 properties that we make affordable to new refugees. And it’s not just a roof over someone's head. Each person (84 last year) is allocated a support worker to help them engage with education, training or employment; register with GPs and eventually move into independent living.   

We also house destitute asylum seekers whose status is still being decided. Last year we supported 24 people with warm, safe housing who might otherwise have been at risk of exploitation on the streets.

Our Raise the Roof campaign will improve the support we offer to people making new lives here, from providing accommodation to helping them learn English and integrate fully into the community.

Can YOU help us create a warm welcome for a homeless refugee or asylum seeker?

£10 could pay for a personal care pack (sanitary products, shampoo etc)

£20 could pay for a month's travel to our free English classes 

£30 could pay for warm bedding

£70 could pay for heating and lighting in one of our houses for a whole week



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