RAF History museum at Manston emergency repairs

by Sue Welsh in Manston, England, United Kingdom

RAF History museum at Manston emergency repairs
We did it
On 6th August 2021 we successfully raised £4,764 ( + est. £831.75 Gift Aid ) with 128 supporters in 28 days

The RAF History Museum at Manston urgently needs funds to carry out ongoing repairs due to aging electricals so it can reopen, please help!

by Sue Welsh in Manston, England, United Kingdom

We need your help! The museum has been undergoing major refurbishments over the past 18 months during lockdown. This has mainly been carried out by a wonderful team of volunteers that average the age of 82! They have worked absolute wonders but have now hit a brick wall with some emergency repairs that have just come to light this week.  Without your help this fantastic museum which is steeped in the history of Manston cannot reopen to the public until these repairs have been completed.  This museum is the heart of the community and has so much to offer,  but it  now needs the community to help it remain that way.  

If everyone could give even a pound, together we can get it back open and continue to educate and help others reminisce yesteryear. 

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