We're still collecting donations
On the 24th August 2020 we'd raised £1,170 with 8 supporters in 28 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
We are raising funds to purchase essential broadcasting equipment so that Radio Aber can launch it's community broadcasting activities.
by Radio Aber in Penglais, Wales, United Kingdom
On the 24th August 2020 we'd raised £1,170 with 8 supporters in 28 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
---Scroll down for English---
Mae Radio Aber yn brosiect cyffrous sy’n cael ei yrru gan y gymuned yn dod a radio leol nol i Geredigion.
Rydyn ni wedi bod yn gweithio dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf i ddechrau gorsaf radio cymunedol newydd i Aberystwyth a Cheredigion.
Oherwydd y pandemig COVID-19, mae ein ffynonellau arian wedi cael eu heffeithio ac mae hynny wedi rhoi’r lansiad mewn peryg.
Mae’r sefyllfa hefyd wedi amlygu’r pwysigrwydd o wasanaethau radio lleol gyda phreswylwyr mewn rhannau eraill o’r wlad yn elwa o lwyfan sy’n gallu uno cymunedau a darlledu gwybodaeth leol hanfodol.
Mae Ceredigion angen llwyfan fel hyn ac mae hynny wedi’n gyrru ni i drio lansio’r gwasanaeth pwysig cyn gynted â phosib.
Rŵan, rydyn ni’n angen eich cymorth chi i godi arian i’n galluogi ni i ddechrau darlledu a rhoi rhywbeth nol i’r gymuned.
Rydyn ni wedi cymryd nifer o gamau mawr yn barod, fel ymgynghori gyda’r gymuned, cael ein trwydded darlledu a symud i mewn i’n hadeilad. Er hynny mae 'na dal mwy o gostau cyn i ni allu dechrau’r gwasanaeth hollbwysig hon. Rydyn ni angen prynu offer darlledu a throsglwyddo ac rydyn ni angen eich cymorth chi. Bydd pob cyfraniad yn mynd yn bell tuag at lansio’r orsaf.
Bydd Radio Aber yn darparu gwasanaeth ddarlledu gwbl ddwyieithog a fydd yn cynnig rhywbeth i bawb. Hefo cyfoeth o dalent leol, pobl ddiddorol, digwyddiadau gwych, egni, brwdfrydedd a hanes diddorol, rydyn ni’n gobeithio hyrwyddo radio lleol o galon canolbarth Cymru.
Wedi’i redeg GAN bobl leol a’n darlledu AR GYFER pobl leol, mae Radio Aber yn orsaf radio LLEOL!
Rydyn ni’n orsaf leol, ddielw sy’n cael ei arwain gan y gymuned, Mae ein gwasanaeth yn cael ei ysbrydoli a’i arwain gan ac ar gyfer aelodau o’n cymuned.
Mae’r orsaf yn wahanol i lawer o orsafoedd eraill, dydyn ni ddim yn dilyn y model ‘radio masnachol’ ac wedi cael ein trwyddedu fel darlledwr cymunedol sy’n golygu ein bod ni’n ddielw ac yn lle cael ein gyrru gan elw ariannol, ond gan y gymuned a’r rhaglenni. Y peth sy’n bwysicaf i ni ydy darparu gwasanaeth lleol o safon uchel sydd wedi ei greu a’i rhedeg gan bobl leol.
Felly, os ydych chi’n gallu, helpwch ni i godi arian i ni allu gweithio gyda’n gilydd i greu radio leol yn ein hardal.
Radio Aber is an exciting community driven project bringing local radio back to Ceredigion.
We have been working for the last few years to establish a new local community radio station for Aberystwyth and Ceredigion.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic our funding sources have been affected and it has placed our launch in jeopardy.
The situation has also highlighted the importance of local radio services with residents in other parts of the country benefiting from a platform that is able to unite communities as well as bringing crucial up to date local information.
Ceredigion desperately lacks such a platform which has driven us to try and launch this vital service as soon as possible.
We now need your help to raise the funds to enable us to begin broadcasting and benefiting the community.
Whilst we have made lots of progress already such as consulting with the community, securing our broadcasting license and moving into our studio building, there are still many costs involved with establishing the radio station.We now need to purchase essential broadcasting and transmission equipment and are looking for your help to do so, whatever you can spare will be greatly appreciated and will go a long way towards starting this essential local service.
Radio Aber will provide a fully bilingual broadcasting service that means something to everyone. With such a rich array of local talent, interesting people, wonderful events, incredible positivity, and a fascinating history, we’re looking to champion local radio from the heart of mid-Wales.
Run BY local people and broadcasting FOR local people, this truly is LOCAL radio!
We are a local, not-for-profit community-led organisation. Our radio station is inspired by, led by and operates for members of our community.
Unlike many other stations we are not following the ‘commercial radio’ model and are licensed as a community broadcaster meaning that we must be run on a not for profit basis, in turn meaning that we are not driven by profit but instead by the community and programming. Providing an exceptional local service built and run by local people is what is important to us, making the programmes you want to hear.
So, If you can, please help us to raise some funds to enable us to work together to make local radio happen in our area.
This project offered rewards