Help fund new computers for Queen Eleanor's School

by Queen Eleanor’s School PSA in Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom

Total raised £6,066

Gift Aid
+ est. £1427.25
£12,000 target 27 days left
50% 57 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 7th March 2025 at 11:00pm

To replace the out-of-date computers which the pupils at Queen Eleanor's need for their Computing lessons.

by Queen Eleanor’s School PSA in Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom

TARGET: Our immediate target is to replace 18 redundant computers, at a cost of £12000, with up-to-date computers as quickly as possible. To enable the children to achieve their lesson aims and be successful in their computing curriculum. Computing skills are fundamental to the children's learning journey and future working lives. We are absolutely determined to achieve our target! 

Our stretch target is to fund a further 12 computers, at an additional cost of £7000, so each child can work on one independently. The PSA are working to achieve this stretch target with fundraising activities through the remainder of the school year and also using funds raised to support the initial target.

ISSUE: The computers are over 10 years years old and do not have enough RAM/memory. They struggle to cope with running basic applications especially with multiple files open. The computers run slowly whilst the pupils are using software and they also freeze up. This can cause simpler tasks, such as opening an internet browser to find a picture, copying the picture, having a word processor document open and pasting the picture into it, a much longer process. Children also have to share a computer which means they spend some time in the lesson performing the actions on the computer but some time observing whilst their partner completes the actions. 

Unfortunately the school is unable to cover this cost within their capital expenditure.

SCHOOL VISION: At Queen Eleanor's our curriculum aims to develop and apply pupils’ computing skills so they gain experience in using computers and software to achieve a variety of different goals and for their onward school journey. The use of computers is essential so that pupils can create websites, block code different types of programs to create music, games or animations, text code in Logo and Python, work with HTML code to change text and images in web pages, work with Microsoft apps and create and print 3D models. We hope children can also share their knowledge and skills with their families.

 TEAM: Queen Eleanor's PSA (Parent Staff Association) are running this crowdfunder as part of their ongoing fundraising work at the school. We have a committed core team as well as many parent and carer volunteers in our school community. We work closely with the school senior leadership team in all our activities.

SUPPORT: If you are a company or business who could support our fundraiser please contact us to discuss possible promotion that we can do in return!

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