New stretch target
We'll be able to neuter more cats and even do some de-worming and flea treatment too!
Trap, neuter and return street cats in Northern Spain
by janey_eugenia in London, Greater London, United Kingdom
We'll be able to neuter more cats and even do some de-worming and flea treatment too!
We've had lots of success in the village. Thanks to you, with our neighbours, we look after a thriving and stable population of adult cats who eat well and get medical attention if and when they need it. See our work here
We adopted Lola, who had been living on the streets of a nearby village, some years ago and she spent her last years with us 'up the hill', eating well, and getting proper care. We were heartbroken when she died in July, of lymphoma, at what was probably a ripe old age (no one knows!) but people say she was at least 15.
Here she is enjoying the sunshine in the Spring.
Lymphoma is common in cats who have immunodeficiency as she had and therefore, unfortunately it is a common killer of street cats. In populations which are not managed, cats fight for food and territory, and diseases spread.
We're turning our attention to Lola's village down the hill, where there is a population of street cats, mostly ginger like Lola, or ginger and white like the one below. It may well be that those we now see on the streets, around the rubbish bins and crossing busy roads, are Lola's offspring! There has been a recent population explosion, and in one small area of the town there are at least 20, with a recent addition of a litter of kittens.
We're working with local people to do Trap Neuter Return, which is the accepted humane way of managing street cat populations. The cats are not hurt, but they are neutered so they can't have kittens. With this approach, we will stop the population getting bigger, and be able to care for the cats without being overwhelmed. See this link for more on Trap Neuter Return.
We are also looking for local government funding to make the project sustainable.
But right now, we need some funds to start the neutering process. Can you help us?
(By the way, thank you to Anna and Celia who donated before I'd even launched this!! Much appreciated).