#PPEforNHS - Vital Protective Equipment for NHS

by #PPEforNHS in London, England, United Kingdom

Total raised £2,268

raised so far



Help us raise funds to deliver vital Personal Protective Equipment like masks, respirators and gloves to frontline NHS staff

by #PPEforNHS in London, England, United Kingdom

Our nation's brave health care workers are treating COVID-19 patients without adequate protection from infection. With your help, we are changing that.

Help us get as much Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to as many frontline workers in hospices, ambulance crews, surgeries and hospitals across the country as we can. With your donation you have the power to help save lives.

** UPDATE **
Are you a NHS or other healthcare worker with equipment shortages? Contact us here to request equipment. **

** UPDATE **
Hello Lockdown Britain! What started out with George, Tara & Xinjie — a small group of concerned citizens helping healthcare workers find Personal Protective Equipment — has quickly grown into a team rallied around the mission to get every frontline NHS worker the protective equipment they need to fight COVID-19.
But we still need volunteers - click here to find out more and JOIN THE FIGHT **

Why donate to #PPEforNHS?

Frontline NHS staff are being forced to treat COVID-19 patients without adequate Personal Protective Equipment. Since the start of this crisis:

  • Doctors and nurses are losing their lives - according to Nursing Notes, at least 200 health and social care workers have sadly lost their lives to COVID-19.

  • 55% of these deaths are in secondary care workers - those who are struggling the most to get the PPE they need to be safe from COVID-19 infection.

  • According to a BMA survey, 57% of GPs and 34% of hospital doctors are having to source their own PPE for personal or departmental use

THIS IS PREVENTABLEWe have access to reputable manufacturers in China who are supplying healthcare workers across the world — we have already connected UK organisations with these same suppliers — and with your donation you can help us place large orders for hundreds of thousands more pieces of critical equipment that will protect NHS and key healthcare staff. Despite reassurances from the government, all signs on the ground are that the supply of this critical equipment is worsening, not improving. Through your donation, you have the power to change the outcome of this crisis in real-time.

How your donation will be used

  • £20 will buy 11 Disposable gowns
  • £50 buys 28 FFP2 Respirators
  • £100 will buy 70 Face Shields
  • A £500 donation will get 900 Surgical Masks to frontline workers

Any amount that you can give will make a difference. 

Your donation has the power to help save lives, and unlike large charities, every penny raised is going directly towards getting PPE into the hands of frontline health workers.

Our story

We are George, Xinjie and Dr. Tara. When a group of doctors and nurses reached out to us desperately seeking factories that can supply the protective equipment they could not get hold of, we knew immediately we could and must do more to help.

We have close friends working in all types of roles throughout the NHS and the wider healthcare community, with many doing shifts on major ICUs. George's mum is a Nurse Practitioner. This situation is close to our hearts.

Some of our closest friends treating COVID-19 patients in ICU. Please help us protect them and their colleagues.

Some of our closest friends treating COVID-19 patients in ICU. Please help us protect them and their colleagues.

Powered by volunteers

Today, we are a growing team of volunteers from a range of industries and backgrounds including healthcare, technology, business and design, all working hard to get PPE to the nation's frontline health workers.

Some of our amazing team! Clockwise from top left: Carol, Amy, Léa, Xinjie, Nkhanise, Sunnii **WE NEED VOLUNTEERS: SEE ppefornhs.com/team**

The project founders:

  • Xinjie Ma; Co-founder of rct studio; Asia & China Forbes 30 Under 30 - Contact Xinjie
  • George Madden; Founder of pilot, previously served in British Army Reserve - Contact George
  • Dr. Tara H. Verity, MB BChir, MRCGP, DCH, DRCOG; General Practitioner (GP) at Caddington Surgery. Qualified in 1991 Cambridge, and worked in hospitals and General Practice in inner London - Contact Tara

Thank you

Read more about #PPEforNHS and other ways to get involved on our website.

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