We hold events called Nadi Gatherings which aim to bridge ancient and future for the betterment of humanity. They support the preservation of wisdom from indigenous teachers and healers, and aim to learn how to apply these teachings to ourselves and to our lives and to learn to have a deeper relationship with mother Earth. The groups we work with see themselves as Guardians of the Earth. We know that Western culture has much to learn and remember from this approach to life.
This August will be our ninth Gathering – which we are calling Nadi Landing. Our central collaboration is with the Apazas; part of a family of master Paqos who belong to the Chumpi Paqo lineage from the Q’ero Nation – the last Inca family in Cusco, Peru. We have been working with the family since 2017.
We hope to bring Aleandro Apaza to the Nadi Landing event. This is taking place in collaboration with the Federation of Damanhur an intentional community founded in 1975 in northern Italy. The cost is about €3500 per person including flights.
Nadi Landing will support Damanhur’s work on the Parliament of Peoples project which is creating a meeting place for wisdom keepers around the world. Central to Damanhur are the extraordinary Temples of Humankind which the original citizens excavated over the course of 25 years.
Our group are cultural curators, community builders, spiritual teachers, academics, musicians, healers and visionaries from UK, Europe, USA, Peru, Colombia and beyond. We will work with the theme of Interconnection and post Gathering we aim to create international incubator groups to support each other. There are also plans to launch a Culture, Wisdom and Legacy platform which will feature content from the Gatherings in January 2025.
By receiving one of our rewards you also become part of the network. We hope you will feel inspired to join us. Thank you!
My name is Kary and I am a culture journalist and storyteller, cofounder of the Kundalini Yoga Collective, and a a student of indigenous wisdom.
I have facilitated nature and ancient wisdom immersions in Latin America since 2017 under the banner of Nadi Gathering as an and offshoot of the Kundalini Yoga Collective.
Nadi Landing is in collaboration with The Landing intentional community in Oregon, USA.