Papdale Parent Council - Miles in May

by Papdale Parent Council in Kirkwall, Orkney, United Kingdom

Papdale Parent Council - Miles in May

Total raised £1,073

raised so far



To buy outdoor equipment and garden supplies for the new garden area at Papdale Primary School through 'Miles in May' sponsorship.

by Papdale Parent Council in Kirkwall, Orkney, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

We are raising money for a range equipment and garden supplies to ensure this area provides a fun, interesting and productive place to learn and develop!

 The money raised will be used for seating area, plants, garden equipment and other ideas from the children.

It has been a long term vision of Papdale Nursery and Primary School to have a designated garden area. For the children to enjoy out door learning and experience the power of growing plants. 

The Papdale Parent Council were delighted to secure funding to build a Polycroo and kickstart the School Garden! 

The Polycroo is finished, and the Papdale Planticru, is underway.  The school having its own garden area will help improve physical and mental wellbeing of the pupils, along with building skills of gardening, confidence, resilience, team work and communication. 

This garden will be used by the nursery and whole school along with the local community. The 'Papdale Planticru' will teach about growing plants, the environment, along with the importance of biodiversity and sustainability.

However we need your help! 

Our Sponsored 'Miles in May' is back. We are challenging each child to walk as many miles as possible from the 4th May until the 31st May.

We are raising money for a range equipment and garden supplies to ensure this area provides a fun, interesting and productive place to learn and develop! The money raised will be used for seating area, plants, garden equipment and other ideas from the children. 

Thank you 

Papdale Primary School  Parent Council   

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