Donations for James' treatment

by Martin Blake in Hove, England, United Kingdom

Donations for James' treatment

Total raised £24,165

raised so far



Funding medical treatmest previously unavailable in the UK and not available via the NHS.

by Martin Blake in Hove, England, United Kingdom

As you will probably know my best mate, James Watson, recently received some devastating news that all of us are still coming to terms with. 

Since then, James, and his wonderful family, have shown amazing strength, courage, dignity, and fortitude. And at every step of the way everyone touched by this news (and there's a lot of us) have been asking "what can we do". 

Well, here's your opportunity. James has the option to access a form of treatment previously unavailable in the UK, modulated electro hyperthermia. However, as it's not available on the NHS there is a cost involved - so this is where we can all step in and help. By donating whatever you can, you will be helping James get access to this treatment.

Anyone that knows James, Sam, Maddie, Amelia and Archie know what a truly amazing family they are and that they would not ask for this sort of financial support, which is why I am asking, please donate now so we can do what we can for James and his family.

*** ONE LAST PUSH - Hello again all you wonderful & generous people - please now feel free to forward this link on to anyone & everyone so we can raise as much as possible - THANK YOU ***

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