OfftheRails Dance

by eileen2014 in Belfast

We did it
On 9th May 2015 we successfully raised £2,515 with 38 supporters in 49 days

Our aim is to raise enough money to cover the costs of producing a piece of high calibre dance theatre and to pay the hard working talent!

by eileen2014 in Belfast

 New stretch target

Project aim

Our aim is to raise enough money to cover the costs of producing a piece of high calibre dance theatre and of course to pay the hard working talent!

About the project

Bring 'The Dutiful Wife' to life.. With your support!!

This is OfftheRails first evening length fully produced show. 'The Dutiful Wife' will be showcased in one of the most prestigious arts festivals in Northern Ireland, Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival. We are extremely proud to have been invited to perform at this years festival. A platform like this will put OfftheRails on the map. 

And this is where you come in!

As an unfunded company we need help for the running costs of 'The Dutiful Wife' which include:

  • Dancer wages
  • Writers fee
  • Studio hire
  • Design - Lights Marketing materials, Costume Props and set. 
  • Travel Costs
  • Insurance

We have great rewards for every generous donation! 

#SupportTheCampaign  #SupportTheArts  #SupportTheDutifulWife

Thank you

Eileen McClory

Artistic Director 

OfftheRails Dance


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£5 or more

£5 Reward

Massive shout on on Facebook!

£10 or more

£10 Reward

A special thank you on our website and a personalised thank you card.

£15 or more

£15 Reward

A special thank you on our website and a signed copy of the program.

£30 or more

£30 Reward

For £30.00 you will get an exclusive OfftheRails T-Shirt, a special thank you on our website and a signed copy of the program.

£50 or more

£50 Reward

For parting with your hard earned cash we will thank you with inviting you to a special dress rehearsal on the 30th of April 2015, the day before opening night, A thank you on our website and signed poster of the show.

£100 or more

£100 Reward

Donating this amount you will receive an amazing pilates class for you and three of your friends (max) with the Artistic Director of the company Eileen McClory. A special thank you on the website and a signed poster.

£200 or more

£200 Reward

With thanks we will give you and 10 of your friends a themed dance class e.g. Burlesque/Grease with Artistic Director Eileen McClory and cast member Paula O'Reilly. Plus a special thank you on our website and a personalised poster from the show.

£500 or more

£500 Reward

For this donation you will receive the ultimate thanks! Opening night VIP tickets in reserved seating area for you and 3 of your friends, plus some wine and a meet and greet with the cast after the show! And of course a special thank you on our website, a personalised poster, an OfftheRails T-Shirt and program from the show.

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