At Oak London we work with young adults who may be prison-leavers and those at risk of offending, people living in hostels or supported accommodation, care-leavers, and those simply with very limited support systems.
”Oak London has been a life changing experience! Honestly, everything about it has been amazing and has opened my eyes to a lot of things. I’m really appreciative for that.” (Participant)

We provide a holistic and supportive environment to enable participants to develop a positive sense of self-worth, build healthy relationships, and make positive choices.
We kick start the programme with a 4-5 day retreat in Bristol where we seek to build healthy disciplines based around community and exercise. Each day starts with a 7am run or work-out which was inspired by uMthombo, a Durban based charity working with young people living on the streets. We view running as a hugely important process in seeking to develop positive lifestyles and routines. We recognise it as a rehabilitative tool which mirrors pushing through the challenges and struggles of life, and recognising that we develop and grow in this process, rather than just willing the final goal.

The retreat involves workshops, activities and cooking meals together. The workshops are based around 'Responsibility and vulnerability’, 'Forgiveness and reconciliation' and 'Our stories'. The activities include mountain biking, Ninja warrior, football and volleyball. We draw parallels between the workshops and the sports we participate in, championing resilience and teamwork.

On return to London we continue to partner with our particpants, meeting every week to play basketball and table tennis before sitting down to eat dinner together, checking-in and discussing the weekly workshop theme.
Many participants have strived to continue daily routines based around sports and morning runs. Recognising sport as playing a huge role in promoting community and mental health, each participant sets goals with regard to their own health and well-being which we catch up about each week. Some examples have been completing 50 push-ups a day; continuing morning 5km runs; joining the gym; or cooking 3 healthy meals a week. Or even right now we have an ongoing WhatsApp video burpee challenge!

We participate in weekly 7 a side football sessions on Thursday evening and organise friendly matches with other community groups (including a refugees group and our upcoming game against Switchback!) We also partner with Arc Care to provide the participants with opportunities such a boxing classes and zorb football.

Particpating in the Hackney Half marathon is an opportunity to raise money for Oak London through a means which already runs through the core of what we do as a project!

We started Oak London in order to build supportive networks and inspire positive futures around young adults facing significant challenges.
The number of young adults in London who are at risk of offending, reoffending, or who have very limited support from others is increasing. According to the Home Office, over a third of people arrested in London in 2021/22 were under 25. This is a significant problem, as offending can have a devastating impact on young people's lives, leading to them becoming involved in a cycle of crime and violence.
Additionally, according to the 2020 Shelter's End of Homelessness Count, there are an estimated 91,000 people in temporary accommodation or hostels in London. Of these, a third are under the age of 25. This number has been increasing in recent years, due to a number of factors, including the rising cost of housing, the shortage of affordable housing, and cuts to social security benefits.
• The majority of young adults in temporary accommodation are male.
• Around half of young adults in temporary accommodation have been in care.
• Young people who are homeless are more likely to experience mental health problems,
• substance misuse, and criminal exploitation.
• Young people who are homeless are less likely to be in education or employment.
“x has engaged with a couple of other services and said OAKLDN is the best he has engaged with thus far! He reflected that he feels the workshops are an open forum for him and the others and he feels comfortable. This is honestly great progress and I am very pleased he is so open and willing to work with you!” (Probation worker)

As a small project we employ 3 staff part-time for delivery hours. We run 3 programmes a year each with £3000 delivery costs (travel, food, accommodation and activities). We received funding for the initial 2 years from Trust funds, as well as from individual donations and fundraising. As we move into the third year of delivery we require further finding, especially as other London-based projects would like to partner with us. This fundraiser will be a huge boost towards our goals! It will also help us to move to a position where we can employ ex-service users as mentors as the Oak London family grows!