NW Leicestershire Greens General Election Campaign

by Greg Simpson in Leicestershire, United Kingdom

NW Leicestershire Greens General Election Campaign
We did it
On 3rd July 2024 we successfully raised £1,567 with 22 supporters in 42 days

Get the Green Party on North West Leicestershire ballot papers in 2024!

by Greg Simpson in Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Impact of your donation

The Green Party is aiming to give everyone the chance to vote Green this General Election and show that our policies are important to voters. Our North West Leicestershire candidate Carl Benfield is ready to stand, but if we don't raise the deposit we risk losing this opportunity. That's where you come in. Please help us by chipping in £20, or whatever you can afford, to help us get over the line. 

We need £500 just to stand a candidate, and much more than that to let people know voting Green is an option. Also, every donation you make has a triple impact:

1. Your donation gets a Green candidate for Parliament able to challenge the old parties

 2. By helping Carl to stand, your donation enables all the votes they receive to translate into government funding for the Green MPs elected elsewhere

 3. If Carl retains his deposit, those funds come back and can be spent by the Green Party again, so we can keep building strength both locally and nationally.

So, if you can, please help us give the people of NW Leicestershire the chance to make their Green voice heard. 

Message from Carl: Broken system, greener future

I'm Carl, and I'm standing in the upcoming elections because, frankly, I'm tired. Tired of a broken political system that doesn't represent the people. Tired of a two-party echo chamber fueled by special interests and soundbites.

After serving my country for 16 years in the Royal Engineers, and building businesses in the private sector, I saw the Green Party as a breath of fresh air. Their policies are built on evidence, not empty promises, and driven by the members, not self-serving agendas.

Being Green isn't for the faint of heart. It's about standing up for social justice and our planet, even when faced with cynicism and entrenched interests. As a district and town councillor, I've experienced firsthand the power of a Green voice challenging the status quo and exposing hidden agendas.

Unlike other parties, we're not beholden to big business or lobbyists. Our strength comes from everyday people like you. Your contributions enable us to fight for a future that prioritises people and the planet, not corporate profits.

Together, we can break the mould. We can create a political system that works for everyone, not just the privileged few. We can build a greener, fairer future for generations to come.

But we can't do it without you. Every donation, big or small, brings us closer to that goal.

Contribute today and be a part of the change. 

Please note: Any funds raised in addition to the cost of the General Election deposit will be used to promote the Green Party and its' candidates across North West Leicestershire.

Promoted by D Kellock on behalf of North West Leicestershire Green Party c/o 5, Hayward Ave, Loughborough, LE11 2PR

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