The prizes that we offer will be scale with the success of the campaign.
Our initial prize will be £400.00 of Composite Games Products.
This could be anything from £400.00 of Games Workshop, Dungeons and Dragons, Magic the Gathering or any other related item that is part of our retail portfolio.
If you don't play those games, don't worry we can supply you with geeky clothing or collectables that we can supply through our various suppliers.
So ulitmately the winner gets to pick what the prize is.
Our stretch goals will increase the prize fund and offer other prizes including extra draws.
While our initial goal for the draw will be £1000.00 we wanted to make the potential prize for this draw as exciting as we could, therefore for every £500 over the initial target we will be increasing the prize of the draw and potentially adding additional draws.
The intial stretch goals are listed below, however if the draw gets alot of support we can look at adding additional stretch goals.
£1500.00 Target = 1st place prize £500.00
£2000.00 Target = 1st place prize £600.00 and 2nd place prize of £100.00
£2500.00 Target = 1st place prize £700.00 and 2nd place prize of £200.00
£3000.00 Target = 1st place prize £800.00 and 2nd place prize of £300.00
£3500.00 Target = 1st place prize £900.00 and 2nd place prize of £400.00
£4000.00 Target = 1st place prize £1000.00 a 2nd place prize of £500.00 and a 3rd place prize of £100.00
The prizes will continue to grow in size and with enough support the 1st place winner could be claiming an awesome prize such as a complete space marine 1st company.
Plus we will also look at introducing forgeworld models as a potential prize if the draw gets enough support.
We introduced the previous draws as a means to help Composite Games with its growth as we have suffered setbacks with our plans due to the Pandemic, cost of living crisis and supply chain issues with Games Workshop.
The draws have helped us introduce a means for our customers and supporters to pop some money our way in exchange for the chance to win some awesome prizes.
Each draw has helped raise funds for us to improve our gaming facilities and the stock that we have on the shelves.
However we are currently prepping to move to a new trading address and wanted to arrange a special draw in collaboration with Northern Exile to say thank you to the community for supporting us.
We wanted to address international entries and how the shipping would be handled.
As some of you may be aware we have been trialing a partnership with a company called Forward2me.
This company specialises in international shipping of item.
Should the winner be from an overseas entry we will be paying for the forward2me to ship the item on ourbehalf.
We will cover the cost of shipping the item to the forward2me depot and the cost of forward2me to ship the prize to the winner.
The costs of this will be taken from the prize fund and not the winners prizes.