''Nomades'' goes to Ecuador

by Nomad Dance Collective in London, Greater London, Regne Unit

We did it
On 30th April 2022 we successfully raised £2,172 with 28 supporters in 65 days

Nomad Dance brings to Ecuador a networking opportunity between artists from around the globe through workshops, residencies and performances

by Nomad Dance Collective in London, Greater London, Regne Unit

Nomad Dance Collective is a collective that was born in Deltebre Dansa, Spain. Our collective consists of five professional dancers / performers. We got to know each other in different stages of our lives, at different places and different times. We somehow, by faith, ended up together in Spain in the summer of 2021.

Watch our interview after a residency at Espai L'Obrador to get to know more about us:

Meet Nomad Dance Collective (link) 


‘’Nomades’’: World travellers that find warmth wherever they land.

Our ground stone as a collective is to create a platform that facilitates the exchange of different cultures within the dance world and supports equal opportunities regardless of gender, sexual orientation, color of skin or nature. We are a very diverse group ourselves, representing different nationalities (Spain, Ecuador, Netherlands, Senegal) as well as different sexual orientations. We all know what it feels like to be part of an ethnic minority and therefore what it’s like to experience oppression and limited opportunities. 

Growing up with a sense of otherness triggers feelings of not belonging. People of color, women bodies, gay/queer/trans bodies (or all marginalized identities) deal with this at one time or another throughout their life. Our collective has had their own experiences and dealings with lack of representation, racial profiling, discrimination or a sense of ‘not belonging’, whether it’s because of ethnicity, skin color, gender or sexual orientation. 

We have been fortunate enough to live in and travel to many different countries and cities. This allowed us to emerge ourselves in different worldviews, different beliefs, different cultures. It has enriched our practice. It has opened up our identity, our norms and values, our zest for life. 

We found a way to ‘own our otherness’ and discovered a sense of belonging within our nomadic way of living.


We are therefore very passionate about creating work that allows an open communication and transparency about topics surrounding belonging, representation and a sense of self. We aim to create work that raises questions about our individual and collective identities and beliefs. About what we consider our home. 

Hostility cannot exist where there is understanding and connection. And we believe that dance can help us understand each other and our world a bit more. (Link)

Aiming to build a worldwide constellation of artists, part of our mission is to generate a network where dancers based in less accessible countries (and cities) can merge together and be part of a work that tours internationally. As our work speaks of meeting, exchanging, every encounter with other dancers will influence our work directly. 


Watch: Nomad Dance Collective performing unFramed at Mrs Toolip Art Galery.

Why this crowdfunding? And why do we need your help?

We need your support to help us support other artists and performers from around the globe, starting in Ecuador.

In June 2022 the collective will travel to different cities in Ecuador to bring exciting networking opportunities for Ecuadorian based Artists for the duration of a month. 

This will happen in four stages:

During our first week we will deliver a 4h workshop open to everyone interested in participating. 

After the workshop we will invite a small group of artists to be part of a one week residency for the last stage of creation of our work NOMADES (a 75min. dance work that portrays a journey in which different cultures, identities and personal expressions converge). 

The aim of the residency is to integrate the local artists into the work and have a big international cast for our Ecuadorian tour.

We will be performing NOMADES the last week of June at Fragementos de Junio in Guayaquil, Ecuador. 

This is where your help comes in:

Because of the economic situation in Ecuador we did not manage to get enough funding to cover the costs of our project. We have committed to go ahead with the project because we believe - now more than ever - in joining forces to cross cultural barriers generating unusual artistic relationships. Your support will help us make this vision and project come to reality.

As contemporary artists we feel an obligation to make social and environmental problems visible. For us, there is a call to political responsibility to those who have the power to change reality. Either through legislative changes or through actions that help support the people in difficulty, or the planet as a unit.

It is this mission, that gives us the strength to generate our work. It is this mission, that births a sense of urgency in our dance, in our creation, in our collaborations.

Your support will help us make our project in Ecuador possible. 


From left to right: Alicia, Nano, Isa, Juan, Rose. 


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£20 or more

£20 - £30 Reward

You will receive a video from our performance at the Festival Fragmentos de Junio, Ecuador.

£10 or more

£10 - £20 Reward for performers in the UK

When performers based in the UK donate 10 pounds or more, they will be invited to a workshop held by two members of the company at Syracusae in London. Date TBC, but will be in April 2022.

£10 or more

£10 - £20 Reward for performers in Spain

Performers based in Spain who donate 10 pounds or more, get an invitation to company classes during our residency in Barcelona the week of 23rd of May 2022.

£30 or more

£30 or more Reward

When you donate 30 pounds or more, you receive a more personal video: a documentary of our process, community projects ánd the performance at the Festival.

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