NHS Memory Storybook

by Gillian Seale in Wirral, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 29th September 2020 we successfully raised £2,999 with 256 supporters in 26 days

Preserve family memories of NHS frontline workers who have lost their lives during the corona virus pandemic through two fictional stories.

by Gillian Seale in Wirral, England, United Kingdom

1st place in the Santander Universities Emerging Entrepreneurs Challenge

NHS Legacy Project

I'm hoping to create two amazing and unique stories capturing and preserving the memories of the NHS frontline workers who are sadly no longer with us. This is an opportunity for friends, family and colleagues who may not even have been able to attend their funeral during lockdown to pay their last respects. 

I feel their personal stories deserve to be remembered. A wonderful way to continue showing our appreciation long after the Thursday evening clapping has ceased and also raise money for NHS charities together when the books are eventually sold.


  • Bring comfort and healing to NHS staff & families during bereavement 
  • Share memories of loved ones and how they've impacted our lives 
  • Inspire children to work for the NHS
  • Unite the UK population creating a meaningful appropriate memorial
  • Printed books will be distributed free to children's hospices 
  • Remaining books will be sold to raise money for NHS charities together
  • Support local business with rewards also donating to NHS charities together

Details of Project

It may take six months to bring this project to life, gathering information, researching, interviewing and then creating the stories and illustrations. We have contacted all the NHS Trusts to tell them about the project and ask if they have any staff that they want to be included in the project.


Why is this important

Memories gradually fade but books can satisfy our curiousity, build our confidence, moulding our identities and impart wisdom. This is why I am dedicating my life to mapping fiction into reality. These stories will encourage children to talk about their loved ones no longer with them and build a strong bond with the remaining parent through reading together.



Gillian is collaborating with local businesses to provide exciting rewards for her backers. All the handmade rainbow themed gifts on offer will be donating some of their proceeds to NHS charities together.


This project is in perfect alignment with the vision I have for my non profit Tailored Yarn CIC. It was set up after winning a business grant in a venture entrepreneur competition last year while I was studying psychology at the University of Chester. I entered the competition thinking I have nothing to lose, never expecting it would be a pivotal moment, altering the course of my life seeing it on an alternative path. I am currently in the national finals of Santander Uni Emerging Entrepreneur Competition. This means that if my crowdfunder page gets the most engagement then it could win a prize of £6k getting us 20% of the way to our target. So even but liking and sharing this page with your friends while leaving a small donation of £1 could help us suceed.

My mission is now to serve your children struggling with grief following the unexpected loss of a parent. My first book Postpixie Missing in Action was inspired by a close friend with muscular dystrophy.

Be part of our story!

Make a real difference!



This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£20 or more

2 of 40 claimed

Earlybird Rainbow Wrist Bands

This is a special limited offer for the first 40 people to pledge £20 Colorful Rainbow Wrist Bands to show your support

£5 or more

Little Note

You might not realise this but your pledge along with any likes, follows and shares of our campaign page earn us points to win a £6k prize which would get us over 20% of the way to our target. Virtual high five. You're amazing!

£10 or more

Thank You Card

A special electronic calligraphy thank you note and shout out on social media platform of your choice. Plus an electronic / kindle version of the stories once they are completed. Your pledge along with any likes, follows and shares of our campaign page earn us points to win a £6k prize. Thank you so much!

£15 or more

0 of 250 claimed

Bookmark and Stickers

Special Tailored Yarn bookmark with one of the different calligraphy quotes about reading and two stickers

£25 or more

Handmade Felt Rainbow Badge

You will receive a handmade felt rainbow badge along with your electronic / kindle version of both books when they are finished

£30 or more

Hospital print with Aneurin Bevan quote

Hospital print with the famous quote by Aneurin Bevan quote "NHS will last as long as there are folk left with faith to fight for it" You will also get an electronic / kindle version of both books when they are finished.

£40 or more

Rainbow Glass Keychain

You will get a rainbow glass keychain and an electronic / kindle version of both books when they are finished.

£50 or more

NHS Wooden Nut Sculpture

NHS wood sculture and a paperback version of the two books signed by the author when they are published. Your name will appear in the acknowledgements section at the front of the books.

£50 or more

0 of 30 claimed

Earlybird Kids Activity Collection

Limited number of special kids rainbow art and craft activity sets which include four exciting items: Rainbow Sand Art Magnet Kits, Rainbow Scratch Art, Rainbow Flower Windmill Kits And Rainbow Card A paperback version of the two books when they are published. Your name will appear in the acknowledgements section at the front of the books.

£75 or more

Tote Shopping Bag with designs on both sides

Tote shopping bag with Bookshop design on one side and the hospital and Aneurin Bevan quote on the other. You will also get a paperback version of the two books signed by the author when they are published. Your name will appear in the acknowledgements section at the front of both books.

£100 or more

NHS Crochet Teddy Bear

You will get a hand crocheted nhs Teddy bear. Select a print or card or your choice from the Tailored Yarn Memories etsy shop. You will also get a paperback version of the two books signed by the author when they are published. Your name will appear in the acknowledgements section at the front of both books.

£250 or more

Children's Hospice Package and Pebble Art

Pebbles Art of a boy and girl with balloons and rainbow to hang on the wall. A donation of five Postpixie Missing in Action books to a children's hospice of your choice within the UK plus a visit by the author to do calligraphy, watercolour and story telling workshops. Your name will appear in the acknowledgements section at the front of both books.

£500 or more

Tailored Yarn Storytelling Special Delivery

A commissioned piece of A3 artwork. A donation of ten Postpixie Missing in Action books to a children's hospice of your choice within the UK plus a visit by the author to do calligraphy, watercolour and story telling workshops. Your name will appear in the acknowledgements section at the front of both NHS Memory Storybooks.

£1,000 or more

Tailored Yarn Ultimate Storytelling Delivery

Twenty copies of children's version of NHS Memory Storybook signed by author donated to hospice. Two commissioned pieces of A3 watercolour calligraphy artwork of your choice / design. Visit to two schools, community centers or children's hospices within the UK for watercolour, story telling and calligraphy workshops. Name in the acknowledgement section at the front of both books. A guest appearance or naming of future character.

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