#NHSforAll: Help fund the fightback

by Keep Our NHS Public in London, England, United Kingdom

Total raised £22,920

raised so far



We need you to help us respond quickly to the General Election results, yet another Winter crisis, and the continuing threats to our NHS.

by Keep Our NHS Public in London, England, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 31st December 2019 we'd raised £21,205 with 462 supporters in 49 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.


For decades, our National Health Service has stood as an enduring example of what a caring and compassionate society can look like. 

Now the NHS faces its biggest-ever existential threat, from a government made up of hard-line free-market ideologues:

  • Within 48 hours of their election win, Tory ministers have let the mask slip, and are now trailing a move to private insurance-based social care, signalling that our NHS is moving further towards marketisation and profit over people.

  • The Prime Minister is pursuing a US “trade deal” with exploitative US pharmaceutical giants that could open up the NHS and its patients to American-style price gouging for basic medicines.

  • And all this comes on the tail of 10 years of underfunding, undermining and piece-by-piece privatisation of NHS services by previous Tory governments, which is set to continue and worsen. The NHS is already “on its knees” and performing at its worst rate ever. On Friday 13th, figures released for waits at A&E were the worst for seven years.

We need to wage a huge, sustained campaign to save our NHS, and raise an army of well-informed, well-connected health campaigners who can step in to protect our NHS from cuts and privatisation. If we don’t do this, nobody else will.


  •  Hiring a further Campaigns Officer  

Currently, Keep Our NHS Public has a small part-time staff that works to support the campaigning of our tireless members. Even with this minimal level of support, members achieve a huge amount: keeping open hospitals and life-saving facilities, fighting privatisation through Judicial Reviews, and pulling off huge events like our NHS 70th birthday march in 2018.

By adding a Campaigns Officer to our staff, we could support our amazing membership in achieving so much more!

  • Spreading the message about the threat posed by Johnson’s Tories to our NHS

An election win for the Conservative Party does not mean that most voters Boris Johnson’s agenda of NHS privatisation. The government will try to obfuscate and hide the reality of what its health policies mean for the NHS - we want to create clear materials and commentary that explain the threat to the general public, and provide a strong voice to represent health workers, patients and campaigners in media discussions.

  •  Growing our local groups and supporting community campaigns

We already have almost 70 local groups around the country – but we can and must grow even more, making sure every community in the country has the chance to defend its NHS services against cuts and privatisation.

[View our campaign video from this year's election - which received over 4 million views across a range of platforms!


Keep Our NHS Public is a successful campaigning organisation with almost 15 years’ experience of leading the charge to preserve our NHS as a publicly-owned, universal, properly funded public service. In recent years we’ve also taken on the fight against racism and the anti-migrant “Hostile Environment” in healthcare, supporting health workers like Docs Not Cops and Medact who are taking a stand against discrimination and in defence of truly universal healthcare.

We opposed the Conservative Party in the recent election, running a huge #VoteNHS campaign to publicise the threat posed by Tories to our NHS. However, we do not campaign for any specific political party and have campaigned against all NHS privatisation policies since we were founded in 2005.

Anything you can donate will help us mount the fightback, but we also want you to get involved. You can join online at any time, and can sign up to our newsletter here.


  • Donate £10 or more, and we'll say thank you with one of our "NHS - Not for Sale!" badges and a selection of leaflets.


  • Donate £25 or more, and we'll say also send you one of our stylish "#VoteNHS" T-shirts!

Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£10 or more

Keep Our NHS Public Badge

If you donate £10 and over, we'll say thank you with one of our KONP badges and a selection of leaflets.

£25 or more

#VoteNHS T-Shirt

If you donate £25 and over, we'll throw in one of our #VoteNHS T-Shirts too.

Show your support

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