To continue with our conservation and education projects we are looking for your support to help us cover our expensive daily running costs
by Carol Heap in Marchwood, England, United Kingdom
The New Forest Wildlife Park is closed to guests but the daily work of caring and feeding all the animals continues as usual for our excellent animals keepers. We have many endangered species and work within global breeding programmes to ensure a future for all the animals who share our planet.
We are funded entirely by our visitors and as a result of closure we can no longer rely on those funds to care for all the animals and birds that live at the park.
We understand that as a nation we are all struggling to come to terms with the changing situation we are living through but if there is anyway you feel you could help us continue to maintain the wildlife park so we can re-open in the near future and continue with our educational and conservation work it would be immensely appreciated.
Many visitors have approached us with kind wishes and offers of help and we are so grateful and your generosity will help us continue to care for our beautiful animals and so everyone can experience the pleasure of visiting us in the near future. Please use this link to donate to our Crowdfunder to help us to continue to provide the highest level of care to our animals. You can also share this post to your own social media to help us with our cause.
From everyone at the New Forest Wildlife Park thank you and we hope you stay well and we look forward to welcoming you soon.
We ask project owners to honour their rewards wherever possible but please note that all pledges are donations and there is no guarantee that you will receive any rewards from the project owner. Please see Crowdfunder's Terms of Use for more information regarding rewards for pledges.