Please Donate: Get Rid of Selfie Sturgeon!!

by Scotland Matters Crowdfunder in Aberdeen, Aberdeen City, United Kingdom

Please Donate: Get Rid of Selfie Sturgeon!!

Total raised £3,732

raised so far



We are raising money to weaken the SNP, take indyref2 off the table and get pro-UK information out to all Scots.

by Scotland Matters Crowdfunder in Aberdeen, Aberdeen City, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

With more funds, we can upscale our work. More billboards. More boosts on social media. More regular content. Basically, we can reach more people to let them know the benefits of staying in the UK and the dangers of Scottish secession.

Merry Christmas!! Help us by supporting our work. So far we have:

However, all this costs money. A lot of it.

We need YOUR help to keep fighting. 

With more funds, we can upscale our work. More billboards. More boosts on social media. More regular content. Basically, we can reach more people to let them know the benefits of staying in the UK and the dangers of Scottish secession by:

  • Hammer home the SNP's failures - trains, ferries, schools, NHS, jobs, deficit, housing, drugs - and Scotland's decline since 2007.
  • Highlight the issues of separation: the border, currency, NATO, pensions, the £180bn debt, the COST and UPHEAVAL to all Scots.
  • Get the message to every one of Scotland's 4.3m voters.

Please consider donating to our Crowdfunder and help us take indyref2 off the table and show the SNP the door.

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