National Emergencies Trust
The National Emergencies Trust collaborates with charities and other bodies to raise and distribute money and support victims at the time of a domestic disaster. Victims often find it difficult to know who to turn to in the tragic aftermath of a national emergency, so we are here to support those victims to facilitate a single point of contact to apply for help with a simple application process. Financial awards can be made to victims quickly and efficiently, avoiding the bureaucracy of multiple applications and helping to minimise fraud. The National Emergencies Trust launched its first appeal, the Coronavirus Appeal, on 18 March 2020. Thanks to the nation’s incredible generosity, and the monumental efforts of our local and national charitable partners, £99 million in funds has supported 14,500 organisations and groups to adapt and develop their services in direct response to the changing needs of UK communities.

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Total raised so far £68,092,380
+ est. £74977.00
We harness the nation's generosity to support those affected by national emergencies at their time of greatest need.