Personal Motivation
I have been aware of the Climate Change issue since the late 1980s. I also started personal action to reduce the impact of my behaviour on the environment at that time. As a committed Christian, for me, Climate Change is a matter of priority concern for ‘Creation Care’. I want to unite with people of all backgrounds, creeds, motivations and nations to tackle this challenge.
Like many other people, I have already reduced my carbon footprint. In my case, I reduced it by two-thirds from approx. 7.5t to 2.5 t. I would like to share practical tips and tricks with as many people as possible on how to do the first two-thirds of your personal carbon reduction. I would then like to take you on a journey to tackle the last third towards zero carbon. By sharing my efforts, I can give hope and encourage many people. At the same time, I can contribute to a lot more carbon emission reductions than if I just work on reducing my own carbon footprint.
The power of social media
I have experience of attracting 6500 followers on Twitter with my environment-related handle @Brillianto_GI
I have already set up Social media Channels for this project:
Facebook @MyZeroCarbon
Twitter @MyZeroCarbon
YouTube: My Zero Carbon channel
I am willing to give up a substantial proportion of my income as a freelance environmental consultant over the next two years to focus on this project.
I am committed to run this project 1 day a week for one year. With financial support, I can extend that to at least 2 years.
Every further donation of £150 will extend the project by one week. I am also seeking donations for major grant givers and from business sponsors and companies providing goods or services to reduce your carbon footprint.
Your personal donation can provide the match-funding that will unlock more funding from organisations.
You can read more about the project at the interim project page
Ideas for videos include:
- What is climate change?
- Top 10 Climate change myths debunked
- Why we need to take action on the climate now! How do I work out my carbon footprint?
- Climate Change – why stop eating meat?
- How to reduce your carbon footprint – home energy
- How to reduce your carbon footprint from transport
- How to reduce your carbon footprint from what you eat
- How to reduce your carbon footprint from what you consume
- How to start growing your own fruit and vegetable
- Electric bike review
- 10 ways to make your home even more energy-efficient