Healthy Kidz is a Social Enterprise and we will continue to encourage and improve the well-being of more local children through our comprehensive activity programme. With this additional opportunity of funding we plan to deliver ongoing support to children and families in rural school areas through all inclusive school programmes that lead children to have more physical activity opportunities and fulfilling their full potential.
Healthy Kidz is a holistic health and well-being programme that delivers fun and engaging physical activity and sports sessions and events to schools, clubs, community groups and councils throughout Northern Ireland.
Through this campaign we aim to offer opportunities to those children and families that live rurally, removing the barriers of isolation, transport and access to opportunities that children living in urban areas usually don't have. Through Healthy Kidz we aim to provide all children inclusively with physical activity sessions in rural communities. By offering sessions and programmes to rural children we can impact positively on their mental, emotional and physical health.
Our Vision:
Our vision through Crowdfunding is to support schools rural areas, delivering to hundreds of children, providing each child with an opportunity for 'outside of school experiences' through our coaching provision . Match funding from Sport NI will help to remove costs for children receiving these experiences
Your support will enable us to:
- To increase the physical, general, and emotional health of children.
- Deliver an inclusive programme that leaves no child behind no matter what their physical mental or emotional capabilities may be.
- Remove barriers of participation of sport and physical activity for children living rurally.
The locations where the Clubs are located are:
1. Richmount PS
2. St Caolan's PS Ballynahinch
3. St Patricks PS, Meadow, Newry
So What’s New in 2025
Due to the popularity of many of our programmes in urban areas we want to extend our offering further in rural schools, offering new Kidz and families with a Healthy Kidz After School Club experience. We are going to start this by encouraging children in the schools outlined above.
Offering suitable hours to all the Clubs allows parents to encourage their children to take part in new sports and activities such as baseball, basketball, hockey and resilience workshops.
There will be a further focus this year offering fun, engaging health and wellbeing sessions for all the Kidz attending our Clubs. In addition to this, our content will be focused on improving the resilience of children living in rural areas.
Why support us?
Your support will allow hundreds of children to receive expert support across rural schools and communities, enabling our fantastic staff to increase the physical, mental and emotional health of children across Northern Ireland.