MSMPH is a Registered Charity and a Company Limited by Guarantee. It was formed on the 2 July 1999 and took possession of the newly built Moss Side Millennium Powerhouse in Novemember 2000.
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Total raised so far £3,911
+ est. £335.00
0‘Empowering Young People to achieve their potential’
Powerhouse is a registered charity based in Moss side Manchester and has been in existence since the year 2000. We are a Multi Service Youth Hub for central Manchester and home to a range of services for Young People which include; Mental health, Careers advice and guidance, specialist programmes for young people 16-19 who are NEET. We provide youth and play holiday provision. We have a Library for Young People, Sports sessions, Arts & Crafts, Youth Club, Music and Drama sessions.
We have meeting/training rooms, a sports hall, Dance studio, Music studio. We provide a space for young people to feel comfortable with a wide range of services under one roof.
We work with a range of partners to ensure we have something for everyone!