Montessori for All - Wales

by Marine Gombault in Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

Montessori for All - Wales

Total raised £1,040

raised so far



Spreading Montessori values, one Topponcino at a time !

by Marine Gombault in Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 26th October 2020 we'd raised £1,000 with 15 supporters in 56 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

 New stretch target

With the extra money, I would be able to allocate more of my time to run these parent-child workshops and building a real and strong community, based on Montessori values. 


I am Marine, I am a mum, and a Montessori teacher. 

I've started to be interested in Montessori when my daughter has born. And what I initially viewed as an education system rapidly became more than that, it became a way of parenting, a way of living, that values and respects children, from the day they are born (and even before). 

Sadly, in the Uk, Montessori is sometimes seen as unaffordable, and that's right on many accounts. However, I would like to help spread the idea that parents can be supported into implementing Montessori principles at home, from birth, and at almost no cost at all. 

My project's aim is to empower parents through the sharing of knowledge, and facilitating discussions and the sharing of ideas, questions into all communities in Wales. 

As soon as the covid restrictions will be lifted, I am aiming to run parents-child workshops, as well as information sessions that will be free of charge (based on donations only). 

In the meantime, I will be making materials to help raise money, and to also help spread Montessori values. I loved making things such as Mobiles, Fabric balls, Placemats and bibs in my AMI Montessori 0-3 training. But the one that holds the most special place for me was the Topponcino, a small mattress used to hold the Baby and help her feel secure and safe. So I'll be making those and giving them away for free, to families who need it the most, as a first step into Montessori. 

Help me spread Montessori values, one Topponcino at a time ! 

Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£3 or more

Your name in our supporters session

When it comes to fundraising, every pound counts ! Why not skip your Starbucks today and help me realise my dream : making Montessori available to everyone, not just the ones who can afford Montessori schools and nannies. I'll be eternally grateful, and I'll put your name in my supporters session on our website

£10 or more

£10 - Invitation to attend 2 workshops

By pledging £10, you'll be able to attend 2 workshops, free of charge, in Cardiff. If you can't attend the workshops, I'll be able to call you on skype / zoom for 30 to 45 minutes to answer questions you might have about Montessori, and how to implement it in your home.

£15 or more

£15 - Embroidered Tote bag

For £15, I will embroider a tote bag with your name and/or the logo of the charity I'm going to register. You will be able to choose the colour of the bag.

£15 or more

£15 Montessori Embroidered Placemat

Montessori are a great way to decorate a toddler's table, while helping them set up the table independently

£50 or more

£50 Get your own topponcino + covers

If you're expecting or know someone who is, why not get this topponcino, and help spread Montessori values ?

Show your support

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