Monmouth Sports Pavilion Facelift

We did it
On 3rd May 2022 we successfully raised £22,318 with 112 supporters in 58 days

Monmouth Sports Pavilion is in desperate need of a facelift; to provide a warm welcoming space for participants and guests of member clubs

 New stretch target

Additional funding would allow us to fund more sustainable energy usage through the installation of solar panels on the roof of the clubhouse or ground source heat pumps, renewing our boiler and replacing old white goods with those that have better energy ratings.  

Our Association

Monmouth Sports Association is at the sporting heart of Monmouth. Constituted from Football, Rugby, Cricket, Tennis and Bowls clubs, it's run by a group of committed volunteers from those clubs.  The Association is determined to improve the facilities available to the participants of their member clubs, visiting teams and guests, as well as making it available to the broader community.  We wish to create a welcoming environment for all, not only those who are themselves taking part in sport but also those who want to spectate and support.   

The Association has held the lease on Monmouth Sports Ground since 1987, and since then has been responsible for the maintenance and management of the Pavilion.  Whilst improvements were made to the clubhouse in 2005, the function room and the changing areas are tired and outdated.  The building is no longer fit for purpose.  Not only doesn't it meet the needs of the member clubs, but it's a hindrance to them developing their membership, in particular widening participation to include younger members, women and girls and those with disabilities.  In short it doesn't meet the standards expected in the 21st century.  1641902567_screenshot_2022-01-11_at_12.01.55.jpg

The Problem

The lack of a fresh, modern, appealing function room means the clubhouse isn't used to its full extent and doesn't foster the sense of camaraderie and community between members and supporters across clubs that we'd like to facilitate. 

Visibility from inside the club to the pitches outside is extremely limited which means that spectating whilst inside in the warmth is almost impossible.  It isn't the welcoming environment likely to attract a diverse set of users, whether those are taking part in sport or those who want to come and spectate.  

The changing rooms and showers are also in dire need of an update.  Whilst all changing rooms need to be upgraded we'd also like to provide new, dedicated facilities for women and girls to help increase their participation in all sports and improve diversity within our sporting community.  

Our Proposed Solution

We believe that a light and airy function room together with modern and clean changing rooms will bring the clubhouse into the 21st century and appeal to a the broader community, attracting them to the clubhouse, taking part in sport and benefiting from improved health and wellbeing as a result. 

This images (below) provide an impression of what we'd like to achieve at the clubhouse, providing easy viewing to the pitches from inside and a light and airy feel to the main clubhouse room.  


As well as being a more appealing place to take part in sport, we also believe that better facilities would allow the Association to provide a service to other groups within the community, and allow us to generate income from external events and activities.  Such a funding source would then enable us to upgrade other facilities such as our heating and lighting with the installation of solar panels or other eco-friendly heating solutions for he Pavilion.  The Association has ambitious plans  to make the Pavilion more sustainable for the benefit of future generations.  But is all starts with the main function room.

We believe that the plans for development of the Pavilion would not only benefit the hundreds of members of each club and the broader community, but also ensure the  long term sustainability of sporting facilities. 

We believe that everyone in the area should be proud of the Sports Association Clubhouse sitting at the very heart of the sporting community in Monmouth.  Please help us achieve our goal by supporting our cause and donating to this Crowdfunder.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£15 or more

MSA Supporter's pin

Supporter's pin

£5 or more

Sporting taster session at fun day (individual)

Join us on May 1st (weather permitting) for your opportunity to try out all our sports (rugby, football, tennis, bowls, cricket) as well as join in with fun sporting activities at our family sports day event.

£10 or more

Lawn Bowls taster session

Taster session for one individual at Monmouth Bowls Club at a time to be arranged between yourselves and the club

£10 or more

Sporting taster session at fun day (family ticket)

Join us on May 1st (weather permitting) for your opportunity to try out all our sports (rugby, football, tennis, bowls, cricket) as well as join in with fun sporting activites at our family sports day event. Opportunities for adults and children.

£20 or more

25 cups of tea/coffee at MSA clubhouse

25 x tea/coffee at any sport matches at the Sports Ground to be redeemed at the Clubhouse

£30 or more

2 of 5 claimed

Cricket coaching session

1 hr coaching 1 on 1 session with qualified coach from Monmouth Cricket Club to take place in outdoor nets or at cricket ground at a suitable time to be arranged and weather permitting.

£100 or more

Name on pledge wall

Name of individual or organisation/logo on the MSA Clubhouse pledge wall to be created as part of the refurbishment

£10 or more

1 of 1 claimed

Sporting taster session at fun day (individual)

Join us on May 1st (weather permitting) for your opportunity to try out all our sports (rugby, football, tennis, bowls, cricket) as well as join in with fun sporting activites at our family sports day event.

£20 or more

2 of 2 claimed

Sporting taster session at fun day (family ticket)

Come along and try out all our sports and join in some fun sporting activities at our family sports event on May 1st.

£500 or more

5 of 5 claimed

Name a changing room

A great opportunity for an individual or organisation to have their name on one of our changing rooms for a 3 year period. The sponsor's name will be put on a sign on the door of each changing room.

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