Mock COP26 Phase 2

by The Mock COP team in United Kingdom

We did it
On 2nd June 2021 we successfully raised £920 ( + est. £158.75 Gift Aid ) with 30 supporters in 83 days

Fund Mock COP26 Phase 2 and drive global climate action.

by The Mock COP team in United Kingdom


We are grateful to everyone who donated to our crowdfunder campaign to make Mock COP26 happen! Our original £15,000 target was to fund the planning and delivery of the Mock COP26 online event in November 2020, but more action is needed to maximise the legacy of the event in the run up to COP26 in November 2021, and make sure world leaders take notice of us and adopt our Mock COP26 global treaty.

We are now seeking an additional £15,000 in funding to continue with Phase 2. These funds will go towards providing microgrants for Mock COP26 delegates and youth climate activists to carry out regional advocacy work, mobilise more youth and to engage their elected representatives on the Mock COP26 treaty asks. 

Our Mock COP26 event culminated in a unified global statement from the youth of the world, outlining our demands for ambitious and equitable climate action and we need to make sure this statement is used as a blueprint across the world to amplify our voices. Can you help us continue the important work we have started and raise ambition in the lead-up to COP26?

The Youth Spoke, Now Let's Act Together

Visit the Mock COP26 website  for more information, and make sure to follow the Mock COP26 YouTube channel to watch the highlights of the event!


When the COP26 conference would have been running last year, youth climate activists consolidated their ambition towards a two-week inclusive online event. It was a powerful statement showing the ambition and dreams of young people worldwide fighting for a fair, equal and green world. The event culminated with a global declaration to world leaders with 18 ambitious, yet realistic policies covering 6 important themes; climate education, climate justice, climate resilient livelihoods, physical and mental health, nationally determined contributions and biodiversity. We are now mobilising a movement of young people globally to campaign for their leaders to show this ambition and implement parts of our treaty.


  • 330 youth delegates from 140 countries participated in Mock COP26. Delegates were aged 11 to 30, 72% were from the Global South and 63% were female or non-binary.
  • 100+ delegations made high-level statements, powerful testimonies for how the climate crisis is affecting them and their communities. View these on the Mock COP26 YouTube channel 
  • 18 policies passed by delegates, shaping the Mock COP26 treaty , published from the youth of the world to political leaders.
  • 18 student staff (aged 14-25) from 6 continents managed the event. 
  • Press coverage in over 40 countries, reaching 100 million people worldwide.


Phase 2 of Mock COP26  has ambitious targets of implementing whole, or part of its treaty  in 30 countries globally. Our impact will be ensuring COP26 delivers a strong commitment to climate education, and it also secures a strong youth presence in both the Green and Blue Zones, including in negotiating teams. Ultimately, we intend to get positive press coverage in at least 20 countries in 2021 and build a network of organizations and climate activists collaborating on policy implementation.

Mock COP26 phase 2 staff


Mock COP26 phase 2 is led by 8 paid Campaign Coordinators. We are aged 17-25 and currently live in the following countries: Canada, Colombia, Japan, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea and the UK.


The £15,000 we are crowdfunding will go towards providing microgrants for Mock COP26 delegates and youth climate activists to carry out regional advocacy work, mobilise more youth and to engage their elected representatives on the Mock COP26 treaty asks. 


All funds will be held by Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK) who are the host organisation for Mock COP. SOS-UK is NUS-UK's education charity supporting students to take transformational action to halt the climate emergency and ecological crisis, and deliver climate justice.

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