New stretch target
Reach further and higher - helping more people and continuing to support the community.
Help us save food waste and feed communities at our local pantry project
by Havens Community Hub in Peacehaven, England, United Kingdom
Reach further and higher - helping more people and continuing to support the community.
Fighting Waste, Feeding the Community.
Since 2020 we have been preventing surplus food from being sent to landfill by supermarkets and restaurants, by collecting and rapidly redistributing - free of charge - to the community.
Our amazing team of 45 volunteers visits up to 19 supermarkets in the Lewes District, 364 nights a year, picking up tonnes of food every week which is prioritised for families and individuals who may be experiencing food insecurity, 'pop up pantries' for dozens of groups across the district including kids clubs, women's refuges, young peoples sheltered accommodation and many more - and then offered to the wider community to prevent food waste, landfill and the associated creation of greenhouses gasses.
£10 donated today will put £80's worth of food back into the community. So why delay? Donate today!
Thank you to all our existing and new supporters. Without you, none of this could be achieved.