Max Trax- Openshaw Community Cycle Track

by Step Up MCR in Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

Total raised £96,409

raised so far

+ est. £1763.50 Gift Aid



Step Up for Max Trax! An exciting new Openshaw community cycle track in memory of Max.

by Step Up MCR in Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 21st January 2022 we'd raised £71,836 with 136 supporters in 70 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

 New stretch target

The final track build will be in the region of £200,000 so any additional funding will contribute to the overall amount and reduce the need for external grant applications. 


Step Up for Max Trax

Max Trax is an exciting new community-led cycle track in Openshaw, Manchester. 

In memory of Max Rimmer-Chambers, Max Trax will be built in the heart of the Openshaw community in Delamere Park. It will be a place for young people and families to come to have fun and be active, learn something new, and explore the outdoors. 

Max Trax needs to raise an ambitious £200,000 for the final track build and desperately needs your help to make it happen. Having already secured £20,000 through fundraising efforts in the community, the Max Trax team is working with Step Up MCR to secure another £40,000 through Crowdfunder.

Step Up MCR will match-fund every £1 donated up to £20,000, meaning all donations up to £20,000 will be doubled to create a pot of £40,000. The aim is that the additional funding required to build the track will come from grants fundraising. 

Max's Story 

Max Rimmer-Chambers was a very special little boy adored by his family, friends, and all who met him. He was so full of fun and adventure, with a cheeky charm that drew anyone instantly towards him.


Max had an obsession of all things with wheels. He loved nothing more than riding bikes, scooters and anything that zoomed around Delamere Park beside his house.

Tragically, Max passed away at aged four, on 24th May 2017. 


The loss of Max ripped through the whole community. His sparkle ignited in people's hearts, and knowing the love he had for adventure, Max's family decided to put donations from Max's funeral back into the community.

The Max Trax Journey So Far

With the love and unfaltering support of neighbours, the idea for  a community-led cycle track was born. The project has come leaps and bounds since 2017, with £20,000 raised from friends, families, neighbours, local businesses and supporters. Max Trax registered as an organisation this year and has grown a strong team of people to pave the way forward. 

For the last three years, Max Trax have been working with residents, the council, bike track designers, and other local stakeholders to develop a plan to create the cycle track. 



Max Trax has been designed by the community- for the community. It will continue to be run by community volunteers once the plans have been implemented. 

Working with local schools, community groups and residents the Max Trax team has designed a track that they think fits perfectly within the park whilst keeping the wide open green space.


The Plans

The track will cater to all ages and abilities, with a balance track for younger children, an advance pump track with small humps, and an expert track to encourage progression. 

  • A learn to ride/ balance bike area. 
  • A mini roadway to allow users to gain understanding of road networks and methods of usage. 
  • Progressive features throughout these 2 areas will instil balance and skill in the youngest of users. 
  • A beginner all wheels pump track suitable for all ages and wheel sizes.
  • An intermediate/ advanced pump track to continue progression and keep interest in the area for all ages and skill levels. 
  • Connection of the area to the further site, existing trails and beyond within the locality in order to attract riders and other users to make use of the facility and the park. 
  • Additional features and/or attractions which can be incorporated into the bike track design on the site to attract users and keep interest and progression high for many years to come. 1636619843_1636619842565.png


The Park

The track will be situated on the far field of the park and will be built on the existing skate park which is basic and underused by the community. The track will aim to cater to anyone currently using the skatepark. 

All greenery will remain in tact by building the track around existing trees. 


Future Dreams

There is massive potential for Max Trax to grow into a community cycle hub. In the future the Max Trax team would love to see:

  •  A bike repair shop where local people are taught how to repair bikes. It will be a place to run workshops to recycle un-used bikes so they can be put back into the community or hired out to those who wish to use Max Trax but don’t have a bike of their own. 
  • Cycling proficiency to increase the number of people cycling and raise awareness. 
  • A community tea room run by local residents and provide activities for the older people in the community. 
  • A small allotment to go with the community orchard that was recently planted by The Friends of Delamere Park. 
  • Regular community events.

How You Can Help?

With the plans for the track in place, the team now needs to fundraise an enormous £200,000 for the final track build. 

Step Up MCR is supporting Max Trax to fundraise £40,000 towards the cost of the cycle track by matching every £1 donated. Your help is needed now more than ever.

About Step Up MCR

Step Up MCR is a place-based giving initiative that looks to create powerful change in communities from the inside out. With a focus on Ancoats & Beswick and Clayton & Openshaw, we work to build more connected communities by increasing local giving to community-led projects. 

As well as supporting giving to established local organisations and projects, Step Up MCR aims to be the catalyst for new and emerging ideas to develop and grow into sustainable projects. We do this by working in partnership with residents, businesses, voluntary groups or public sector bodies to increase giving.

Our match funding for the Max Trax project comes in partnership with Manchester Local Care Organisation, MCR Active and One Manchester. 

Step Up MCR will work to support Max Trax to secure the additional funding needed for the track and will hold funds until the final target is reached. Should the track build not go ahead for any reason, the funding will be held to support other local community-led projects, though donations can be returned to the supporter if requested. 



We've been gifted two Giant Suede electric bikes worth over £3,600 by Two Wheel Claim specialist accident lawyers. 

Pledge over £1,000 to earn one of two bikes available!

With huge thanks to Two Wheel Claim:


With Special Thanks To

The whole Openshaw community, Step Up MCR, Manchester City Council, Belsize Garage, Friends of Delamere Park, Two Wheel Claims, One Manchester, MCR Active, Manchester Local Care Organisation, Manchester Settlement, Booker Wholesale Ardwick, The Silly Country Bottle Beer Shop Droyslden, Morrison's Openshaw, Tesco Droylsden, Sara Davis - Dragons Den, St. Clements Church, Marco Rea’s, Design & Print Denton, Anthony Wood Autobodies, Fabrication Technology, Decathlon Eastlands, Bike Right, local donors and fundraisers, local schools, Becky Higg- singer song writer for her beautiful song about Max, friends, family and many many more who want to help make this cycle track dream come alive in Memory of Max.

Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£1,000 or more

Free Giant Suede Electric Bike

We've been gifted two Giant Suede electric bikes worth over £3,600 by Two Wheel Claim specialist accident lawyers. Pledge over £1,000 to win one of two bikes available! Must be able to collect from Openshaw.

£10 or more

Riley's Sausages Christmas Hamper

Free Riley's Sausages Christmas Hamper (worth £15). 10 available. Must be able to collect from Openshaw.

£10 or more

Hot Drink- Morrison's Openshaw

A hot drink is available to anyone who pledges over £10 in Morrison's, Lime Square, Openshaw. With thanks to the Morrison's community team for their ongoing support!

£12 or more

Tea and Scones @ Sharon Bakes, Openshaw

Tea and Scones at Sharon Bakes, Openshaw for pledges over £12. Worth £15.

£20 or more

Free Max Trax Tshirt

Free Max Trax Tshirts for pledges over £20. Can be posted.

£25 or more

MooMoo Cocktail @ Silly Country Droylsden

The Silly Country- Droylsden are offering a MooMoo cocktail in memory of Max. This pink gin cocktail is in honour of Max, whose favourite colour was pink and has informed the branding of the Max Trax logo! The cocktail is worth £7.50. With thanks to The Silly Country Droylsden for their ongoing support. Check out The Silly Country Facebook page for more from the team -

£40 or more

Winter Car Check

Free winter car check worth £90 at Belsize Garage Openshaw! Available November-January.

£50 or more

Children's Bike Helmet

Children's bike helmet for pledges up to £50 (worth £15). Must be able to collect from Openshaw. Six available.

£100 or more

Girls' Bike

We have a girls bike for ages 4-6 available for pledges over £100, worth £150!!!. Must be able to collect from Openshaw.

£100 or more

Boys Bike

We have one boys bike available for pledges over £100, worth £150!!! Aged 3-5. Must be able to collect from Openshaw.

£100 or more

Free 10 Foot Christmas Tree

Free 10 foot Christmas tree for pledges over £100 (worth over £400). Pre-lit with baubles. Must be able to collect from Openshaw. Five available.

Show your support

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