LYCOPHARMA to support tissue oxygen supply

by LYCOPHARMA in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

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£700,000 target 31 days left
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To bring to the market clinically validated dietary supplements to support tissue oxygen supply through life’s challenges and ageing

by LYCOPHARMA in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

The level of oxygen in our body tissues gradually reduces with age. It results in a decline of our main functions: mobility, cognition and immunity. This in turn makes us more susceptible to different diseases, which can reduce tissue oxygen faster and to a deeper level.

To address these health problems our team has developed a line of products to prevent or even reverse reduction in tissue oxygenation. The products are based on proprietary technologies and have been clinically validated on target market groups of people. 

A significant number of these products, with a value exceeding £4.5 million,  have already been manufactured and are ready for market.

The funds we raise would be used to hire or contract marketing, business development expertise and selling support expertise.

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