Lets Grow Together & Thrive!

by Falmouth Food Co-op in Penryn, Cornwall, United Kingdom

Total raised £46,775

raised so far



To secure a vibrant future for community well-being through growing healthy food together whilst actively caring for each other and the land

by Falmouth Food Co-op in Penryn, Cornwall, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 7th May 2024 we'd raised £41,720 with 243 supporters in 0 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

 New stretch target

Our stretch target for an additional £15k will fund getting renewable electricity on site, develop an irrigation and rainwater harvesting system, build a secure shed for the new tractor, and also a well-being shelter for workshops, volunteers and visitors. It will also kickstart our venture to having a community building on site by covering survey & planning fees.

  • Helping us grow more food with improved irrigation, infrastructure & electricity. 
  • Tackling climate change by showcasing off-grid renewable energy in action.
  • Support a circular economy by using waste film-set timber to build the shelters.
  • Further improving accessibility to the field by creating more undercover space for volunteers & visitors. Allowing us to host more workshops and sessions year round.
  • Support our impact on wildlife by allowing us to support more volunteers to get more work done!

Thank you so much for taking time to read this…

Our aim is to raise £25,000 so we can grow more food, expand community access, nurture our environment and further our education and well-being offerings.


In 2021 we rented an 8 acre field in Penryn, Cornwall to grow food with and for our local community. Since then hundreds of people have visited the field and contributed energy to creating an abundant community field. Once a bare grass field, Loveland now has almost 1000 trees planted within it, and contains diverse community land-based projects. Having successfully established our project we recently have secured a 10 year lease from Truro Diocese allowing us to drive forward our mission and aims.


PLEASE HELP OUR COMMUNITY GROW AND THRIVE: so that we can continue to feed our community with delicious local produce whilst meeting our social, environmental, educational, and well-being aims. 

We are passionate about community well being, production of nutritious food and working with nature, not against it.

We are an active platform for local community resilience and support, through the current cost of living and the climate and ecological crisis. In addition to the market garden we host projects led by local people including a herbal medicine garden, community veg patch, heritage grains project, flowers plot and a community orchard. A participatory community research project in partnership with Exeter University will begin this year. We want to continue to support these projects and need your help to do this!


WE GROW, GATHER & CELEBRATE FOOD - a space where people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds can get involved, meet, chat and be part of a welcoming community. We supply vegetables locally, incorporating hands-on volunteer programmes linked to social prescribing, employability programmes, and university research. Our volunteers learn how to grow food in a way that sequesters carbon, builds soil and supports wildlife. There are over 40 people who regularly volunteer at our weekly sessions; with 100’s more participating in our events and workshops every year.

WITH YOUR HELP we can progress our vision and sustain provision of shared growth (plants and people), through hands-on learning engagement and enjoyment of the field.



Your support will provide vital match funding for some exciting new developments on the field, and will also fund our well-being programme. 

We’ve recently been awarded FIPL (Farming in Protected Landscapes) funding and now need to raise match funding for:

  • A wheelchair and pushchair friendly access track, to increase inclusivity and improve access to the field in winter.
  • Two polytunnels to allow for year round food production, a more diverse range of food, and some much needed shelter for our committed (and often rain-drenched!) volunteers.
  • A walk-behind tractor to allows us to grow more food, integrate green manures into our market garden, and manage our grassland for wildlife. Ultimately, sequestering more carbon and creating more habitat in the field.
  • Improved compost systems to make more compost, that's better quality too.
  • A wildlife management plan for the field. The design, creation and management of dedicated wildlife areas to protect nature and increase biodiversity. We will restore some of our Cornish hedges, plant more trees, and create acres of wildflower meadows! 

Your support will help us to continue to offer our weekly facilitated volunteer sessions. These run year round, where people come to share knowledge and skills, increase social connections, feel more connected to nature and ultimately feel better.

We aim to continue collaborating with local agencies to reach those most in need of accessing nature and health sessions, workshops and volunteer days. Employment Support Programmes and agencies assisting people with learning disabilities refer volunteers to our weekly sessions. We are linked in with the local Social Prescribing / Well-being Hub, Job Centre and University. 

We know that our sessions have a positive impact on people's lives - we want to sustain our offerings on a long term basis, and start offering more where there is a local need.

WITH YOUR HELP WE CAN EXPAND & THRIVE  We are passionate about celebrating the seasons, connecting with the land and each other, keeping old traditions alive and making some new ones for ourselves! 

BIG THANKS FOR STAYING WITH US THIS FAR - we hope you like what we’re up to and want to support us, we’ve got some great rewards!



Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£30 or more

Summer Feast Ticket

Join us for a feast next summer with homemade food, great company, beautiful surroundings and some sort of entertainment

£5 or more

Loveland Tea Towel

Hand printed tea towel designed by Jo Kehyaian: This tea towel is machine washable, organic, unbleached cotton. Hand screen printed with an image of a bird (in black) saying (singing!) "All You Need Is Loveland!" (in red) with some green seedlings along the bottom.

£10 or more

Seed packet: calendula officinalis.

Edible and medicinal. Harvested from our Loveland Medicine Garden with accompanying info on planting, uses and making an infused oil.

£15 or more

Tour of The Forest Garden Falmouth18th May

Join Simon Miles for a tour of his forest garden (18th May) in Budock Water, a great opportunity to learn about the weird & wonderful useful plants that can be grown in our climate and learn about forest gardening. https://theforestgarden.co.uk/

£50 or more

Plant a fruit tree

In your name we will buy a fruit tree to add to our orchard. You can even come plant it yourself if you like!

£50 or more

Loveland Harvest Kimchi Massive Workshop

This ones a hoot! If like last year it could be as many as 30 of us chatting, chopping and pounding the veg into a nice big jar to take home plus enough to enjoy at our infamous Loveland Harvest Feast

£50 or more

Iridology Session

Simon Miles MH Ir VA at his Natural Healing Pain Clinic, at the Forest Garden Falmouth for an Iridology Session. Sessions vary but can last up to an hour. A questionnaire will be sent out prior to the session for the patient to complete and bring with them to their appointment. This will save considerable time within the session.

£60 or more

Pick your own veg and farm tour

Join our grower Finn for a guided tour of the market garden in summer and pick a selection of veg to take home with you.

£60 or more

Finding Your Herbal Helpers Workshop Aug 17th

Join Kez for a workshop exploring relationship between ourselves, plants and elements, and how this understanding can benefit our daily lives - Energetic properties of herbs - Our own 'constitutions' - Finding 'your' herbal helpers - Connecting with their properties using our senses and intuition - Taking this knowledge onward. Includes a guided sensory tasting of a lovely herb from the Medicinal Garden. Sat August 17th, 2pm

£70 or more

Up Close Kimchi Making Workshop (incl Lunch!)

Join Annie, our kimchi queen, at home chatting as we go, lunch provided with some ferment-ful tasters to try. You will go home inspired…taking a lovely jar of kimchi with you and notes for future reference.

£99 or more

Special £99 FFC Grocery Voucher

A one of reward for 99p attendees! You will receive £99 in credit on our online wholefood shop (FFC Grocery) .

£100 or more

Natural Dye Workshop with Creative Roots 17th May

Introduction to Natural Dye Workshop with Naomi Hannam of Creative Roots 17th May at Potager Gardens - More info - https://www.potagergarden.org/product/natural-dyes-with-shibori-technique-friday-17th-may-2024/

£150 or more

Name a polytunnel!

We will be getting 2 polytunnels. Choose the name of one of them! We will make a sign with whatever name you decide! Be creative and fun, the power is in your hands!

£150 or more

Name the tractor!

We will be getting a walk-behind tractor to manage our field for wildlife, and work in the market garden. You can name it! We will paint it's name on it so we never forget.Be creative and fun, the power is in your hands!

£150 or more

6 nature-based coaching sessions

6 coaching sessions with Laurence from Soulfield (worth £180!). Using nature and the outdoors, Laurence will support you to explore a deeper sense of purpose and how you can incorporate this into your work, lifestyle and relationships.

£250 or more

A Falmouth long weekender

Lovelanders Annie & Mac are offering a 3 night (July 5-8th) short stay in their home / guesthouse @blauhausfalmouth. Double room with water views plus self serve breakfast of vegan organic / locally sourced produce.

£1 or more

Tickets to 99p Films Event. Screening + meal

2 of the lowest price bracket tickets to a future 99p Films event. Includes a film screening, discussion and meal.

£10 or more

Loveland Newspaper: Stories from the Field

These are the last remaining newspapers by George Steedman-Jones, one of the many art projects based on Loveland, a beautiful collection of words and images from our communty field. Come and collect from Loveland.

£10 or more

Tickets to 99p Films Event. Screening + meal

99p Films are offering 2 of their concession tickets to a future 99p Films event. Includes a film screening, discussion and meal.

£15 or more

Tickets to 99p Films Event. Screening + meal

99p Films are offering 2 of their general tickets to a future 99p Films event. Includes a film screening, discussion and meal.

£20 or more

Home-grown plant selection

A selection of 5 young veg plants to be collected from the field in early summer . Grown from organic seed and organic compost. Ready to be planted.

£20 or more

Bag of Charcoal from Working Woodlands Cornwall

Enjoy yourself a bag of local charcoal made by our lovely friends at Working Woodlands Cornwall. Come and collect from the field in summer.

£20 or more

Tickets to 99p Films Event. Screening + meal

99p Films are offering 2 of their pay-it-forward tickets to a future 99p Films event. Includes a film screening, discussion an

£25 or more

Loveland veg box

A box selection of 5 different home-grown products from the land to be collected from Loveland in summer.

£40 or more

Herbal Gift Box:

A box containing 3 beautiful hand made bundles of herbs and flowers harvested from our Medicine Garden. Each bundle offers a unique blend honouring traditional folkloric healing practices of burning herbs for cleansing spaces, minds and moods. Available Sept

£40 or more

Singing & Nature Connection Workshop

Create, Sing, Connect & Imagine into a positive future together around a fire of Hope. Join Martha Tilston & Andy Raingold from Change in Nature on Sun 21st April (10am - 4pm) at Dartington, Devon. - https://www.changeinnature.org/hope-fire-totnes

£40 or more

1 hour Shiatsu Session

Join David for a 1 hour Shiatsu session in Falmouth. Learn more from his website https://www.bodyandmindshiatsu.com/ .

£50 or more

A wood turned bowl

We have a large selection of locally turned bowls from Roger Cooper. Come take your pick and choose your favourite. Some are really rare and thus a total bargain!

£60 or more

Loveday Limited Edition Rum Gift Box

In this beautiful, gift-ready box you’ll find: . A hand finished information and authentication card for your bottle of rum . An original lino print of the oak leaf that the label artwork was born from . A collection of 10 curated recipe cards detailing our favourite ways to enjoy these rums . Your bottle of organic gold or spiced rum, with bottle and cask numbers detailed on the neck label, set within a sustainable poplar wood surround.

£70 or more

2 hour consultation for your forest garden

Only for those living within 10 miles of Loveland! Simon Miles, from The Forest Garden in Budock Water (https://theforestgarden.co.uk/) is offering to provide a 2 hour consultation for anyones existing or potential forest garden.

£100 or more

Christen the new compost loo.

Be the first to poo in our brand new compost loo made using sustainably sourced materials and built by community members.

£150 or more

£150 Grocery Voucher

£150 credit for FFC Grocery (Our online whole foods shop)

£495 or more

Organic Certification Fees

Pay for 1 year our certification fees ! To help spread the word and grow the organic movement!

£800 or more

Farm experience for your business.

Bring your work team along to Loveland in summer for a half-day experience on the land . An opportunity for your business to enjoy some team building, time outdoors, hearty food and new skills. The day will involve a tour of the market garden, a home-cooked lunch using veg from the land, and plenty of opportunity to get your hands in the soil, plant some veg and get stuck in. All of you will leave with a Loveland veg box too! (Max 10 people)

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