Give the people of Dereham the chance to access free food, make connections and get the best out of life.
by Love Dereham in Dereham, Norfolk, United Kingdom
Nice to see you here! We're Love Dereham, a small charity with a big heart. ❤️
We run various projects in the town to support all kinds of people. We have a brilliant bunch of volunteers who keep the wheels turning on our activities week in and week out. We have a dedicated Coordinator (ahem, yes that is me) who looks after everything from volunteer rotas to delivering Christmas hampers, writing social media posts to dishing up grub at our community lunches! And we have our trustee board who oversee the work and hold the vision for our future.
At our community fridge you can get free items to feed your family that would otherwise have gone to landfill. We #FeedBelliesNotBins
We relish feeding folks at our free two course monthly meal - if you can't afford a trip to a restaurant then come and be our guest. It's once a month and there's always a warm welcome for you.
If you have a day where you realise you aren't going to see another person, why not come and meet others at our friendly hub? Whatever the reason you're feeling alone, we've got the kettle on at "Let's Chat" Monday - Thursday at 11am. We can tell you about other places in town where you'd be welcome too as well as helping you with personal issues you might be facing.
Are you struggling to chose between paying the electric or buying some milk? We've got a "Warm Places" timetable that will tell you where you can go on what day of the week to keep warm! Coffee mornings, local library, support groups, craft groups... There are loads, and lots offer free drinks and snacks! Pitch up and stay as long as you like. Save the electric money, just don't forget to buy the milk on your way home!
It’s important to us that EVERYTHING we offer is free and open to everyone. We don't even put a donation pot out at community lunch.
If you need us, we'll be there for you.
We can do this by the generosity of our supporters. Kind folk who realise that giving away a bit of what they have will make the world of difference to someone else. If you're reading this and thinking "I'm ok, I don't need those projects" then please, consider chipping in today for the folks that do. And what better way than on a matched funding page where your donation is magically DOUBLED before your very eyes!