Lily of the Valley is a dark and surreal short story that follows the unsettling journey of two childhood best friends, Ophelia and Lily. Throughout the film we follow Ophelia as she guides Lily through a disturbing transformation process. The story explores themes of obsession, sacrifice, and the pursuit of perfection. A look into the darkness that resides within us all.
Our vision for the film is to create a captivating and unsettling cinematic experience that takes the audience on a journey through the twisted psyche of our protagonist, Ophelia. Lily of the Valley is a visionary and concept-driven story that delves into the realm of dark fantasy and body horror. The central vision of the story is to create an eerie and immersive experience, where the boundaries between reality and the surreal blur.
The concept revolves around the relationship between two friends, Ophelia and Lily, and their shared pursuit of an extraordinary metamorphosis. Ophelia helps Lily wrap herself in a cocoon as they prepare for her transformation into a moth. This transformation represents a symbolic journey, an attempt to escape the limitations of the human form and reach a higher state of existence. It's a concept that taps into primal human desires for transcendence, but takes a macabre and unsettling turn.
In Lily of the Valley the concept and vision combine to create a story that is as thought-provoking as it is unsettling. It challenges our understanding of human potential, the consequences of obsession, and the boundaries between the real and the surreal. The story's narrative journey is a reflection of the transformative and often disturbing nature of our deepest desires and ambitions.
Lily of the Valley delves into the depths of human desires, particularly the longing for transformation and transcendence. It provides a platform to examine the extent to which individuals are willing to go to achieve something extraordinary. Lily of the Valley is an opportunity to explore dark and thought-provoking themes, as well as challenging artistic and cinematic norms. It offers an opportunity to engage the audience on multiple levels, from the emotional and psychological to the visual and thematic.
Donations play a fundamental role in bringing Lily of the Valley to life. Your support, no matter how small, is crucial for achieving our vision. With your contributions, we can secure professional actors, create large scale set pieces and make the film as impactful as possible. We understand that not everyone can donate, and that's absolutely fine. Your shares, follows, and comments on our social media pages (Facebook and Instagram) also contribute to the success of the project, keeping you updated on what's happening behind the scenes. Your involvement in any form helps us in our filmmaking journey.
So where will your donations be spent? Here is a rough cost breakdown by department:
With a majority of our budget being prioritised for set build, your donations could help us in the creation of our incredible Treehouse:
Now the time you have all been waiting for -
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Virtual hug from us:)