Linda Richardson for Lincoln

by Workers Party of Britain in Birmingham, England, United Kingdom

Linda Richardson for Lincoln
We did it
On 17th July 2024 we successfully raised £300 with 11 supporters in 63 days

I am hoping to raise funds to be the candidate of the Workers Party in Lincoln.

This campaign is to raise funds for our candidate campaigns in the upcoming General Election. Labour and the Tories are just the same, Britain needs a party to give working-class people a real choice.

Fighting elections costs money, and we rely entirely upon our members, affiliates and supporters to meet the costs of campaigning activities. 

All donations will go to the Workers Party of Britain to help our campaigning. A full list of our candidates will be available here:

Find me on Social Media

Facebook: RichardsonWPB 

Twitter X is Linda Richardson @LindaRichWPB

Want to fundraise for this cause?