Lincoln 3D Printing Face Shields

by Lincoln 3d Printing Face Shields in Scothern, England, United Kingdom

Lincoln 3D Printing Face Shields

Total raised £3,935

raised so far



The global COVID-19 pandemic has created a very uncertain landscape for  thousands of our Local UK health workers . . .

by Lincoln 3d Printing Face Shields in Scothern, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Any money raised will go towards the supplies required only. Our time is 100% free, including dispatching where needed. Any surplus balance remaining at the end of this terrible time will be distributed to a suitable charity related to the emergency services.

The initial idea was conceived by Tom Austin and Erika Coggins of Lincoln. They identified that family members working as paramedics were without their basic PPE protection, so took to printing in their garden shed. . .

Things escalated and demand was too high, and print times too slow, so we (Tim & Sarah Cieslik) were drafted in, printing from home locally to ramp up production. We are now a small group, with 6 people actively printing. We are running 7 3D printed from our own home, 20 hours a day.

In 70 days we have supplied over 12,000 FREE shields to our front line staff, full funded initially by ourselves, and now by support from the local and not so local public, businesss and alike. It has been truly overwhelming to say the least, working day and night with the thought of emergency workers firmly fixed on our minds.

As a result of this local success, we have asked for donations of actual product supplies to help the demand - these are PLA 1.75mm Plastic for printers, & A4 or A3 Sheets of transparent Acetate.

Some people wish to donate money however, and as we are not a registered charity due to rapid deployment of these shields, and time constraints, we have set this Crowdfunder up to allow people to donate money if they wish. We have also had printers donated by friends and family. Once this is over, the printers will be donated to a local club, or sold to raise further money for charity. 

Important: While we really sympathise with any key worker needing PPE, this Crowdfunder is specifically to help those in the Lincolnshire area in emergency roles such as the NHS, first responder's and the Ambulance Service. We will of course take requests for help via our facebook group, and prioritise accordingly, but making a donation to this cause does not guarantee we can help you specifically. Finally, the term 'Emergency worker' is quite broad, and I appreciate that, so please do not think we are discriminating any particular key worker, but we just cannot supply everyone.

Any money raised will go towards the supplies required only. Our time is 100% free, including dispatching where needed. Any surplus balance remaining at the end of this terrible crisis will be distributed to suitable charities related to the emergency services.

£20 helps us make around 70-75 shields, but even a small donation of £2 will help someone stay safe

If you would like to get involved in you local community, and 3D print your own Face Shields, please drop me an email to [email protected], and we will provide you with the free-licence STL and Cura template files you will need, plus instructions on how to source and assemble these life saving devices.

Originally, this project was set to end on the 30th April, but due to the overwhelming support of donations, and the continued requests for our Face Shields, we have extended the Crowdfunder by 3 weeks.

Thank you for your support, and remember - Stay at Home & Stay Safe.

All the others at Lincoln 3D Printing Face Shields

We ask project owners to honour their rewards wherever possible but please note that all pledges are donations and there is no guarantee that you will receive any rewards from the project owner. Please see Crowdfunder's Terms of Use for more information regarding rewards for pledges.

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