Lewisham Speaking Up is an advocacy organisation based in the London Borough of Lewisham. We pride ourselves in supporting people with learning disabilities to speak up, be heard and have a stronger voice.

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Total raised so far £5,972
+ est. £736.75
2Lewisham Speaking Up is an advocacy organisation based in the London Borough of Lewisham. We pride ourselves in supporting people with learning disabilities to speak up, be heard and have a stronger voice. We work together to bring about the changes people want and need. We strive to get better and fairer treatment for all people with learning disabilities.
Our vision is for a society where people with learning disabilities are listened to, recognised, respected and included in all decisions about their lives. We work together with people with learning disabilities to fully understand what they want.
We do this by:
- working with and supporting self-advocates to speak up and be heard
- providing independent advocacy to individuals and groups
- supporting people to come together to work for change
- working together to tell people and organisations what is important to us