Let's smash the political silence on Brexit

by [email protected] in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Let's smash the political silence on Brexit

Total raised £106,271

raised so far



Everyone knows Brexit isn't working, but politicians won't face up to reality. This has to change. Chip in to make it happen.

by [email protected] in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 15th June 2023 we'd raised £98,377 with 3396 supporters in 100 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

Support for Brexit has plummeted. Only 32% of the public believe we were right to leave Europe*. So why are politicians so unwilling to admit there's a problem - let alone fix it?

Now is the time to ramp up our campaign to reverse Brexit and win the battle for the soul of our country. Chip in to the European Movement's fighting fund so we can shift the political agenda back towards cooperation with Europe.

(*YouGov polling, Nov 2022)

Everything from the economy and labour shortages to vital rights and climate protections are under threat. Brexit is impacting every aspect of British life. Brexit costs us £1m per hour and means we have around £20 billion a year less available for public spending (Full Fact/UK Statistic Authority).

The public consensus is clear: Brexit was a huge mistake that we must and can undo. After three years of Brexit chaos, it's vital to stop any further damage and, instead, take positive steps towards Europe.

But all major political parties are running scared of committing to any policies to reverse Brexit. They're deeply out of touch with what's happening in the country and what people want.

So it's up to our movement to create change. With a general election on the horizon, there's no time to waste.


The latest opinion polls show that 65% of the UK public want another vote on EU membership, up from 55% at the same point last year (Savanta polling, Jan 2023). On top of this, 56% now believe we were wrong to leave the EU (YouGov polling, Nov 2022).

It's not surprising. We've had years of political upheaval. Scandals. Lies.

Now the true catastrophe of Brexit is affecting all of us. Businesses are wrapped up in red tape; wages are stagnating; there are huge labour shortages and empty supermarket shelves. The British economy is floundering compared to other G7 countries, with reduced investment and sluggish growth.

Even those who spearheaded the Vote Leave campaign can't point to a single Brexit benefit. It's clear that they sold us a pack of lies.

Yet where is the action? Where is the plan to take practical steps back towards working with Europe? It's nowhere to be seen. The Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats are silent, so it's up to us to push for change.


Reversing Brexit is not only possible, but the public demand for it is higher than ever. Ignoring the consensus will lead to years more turmoil and deadlock, so we must ramp up the pressure for change and we must do it now.

Together, we can build the pressure and break this radio silence. If we can create a groundswell of people power, they'll have to listen.

Help us raise vital funds so we can:

  • Launch a campaign to expose the impact Brexit is having on businesses across the country
  • Build pressure on politicians to get reversing Brexit onto the political agenda before the next election
  • Gather data and evidence to build the most powerful arguments for rebuilding relations with the EU
  • Get our message out to more people on the streets and on social, printed and televised media, and;
  • Grow our grassroots movement into an unstoppable campaigning force.

Over the last year, our campaigns and activists have been crucial in highlighting the impact of Brexit, by getting onto the streets, into party conferences, and with MPs and Lords on our side.

But this is just a taste of what we've achieved and with your help - this is just the start.

Over the last 12 months, the national conversation has dramatically shifted. Even the most pro-Brexit sections of the media admit that Brexit isn't working. But we've yet to see this reflected in political change - which is why this campaign is so badly needed.


We have so much more in common than we have apart. We should be joining forces and collaborating, not putting up harder borders and going it alone.

The last six years of Brexit chaos can't undo the shared history, culture and values with our European neighbours.

Millions of people up and down the country still understand this, and still identify as Europeans. 3.4 million people born in other EU countries live in the UK (House of Commons Library). 1.2 million Brits still live in Europe (Migration Watch). Our identities, relationships and values can't be defined or limited by Brexit.

But Brexit has taken away many of our freedoms to express our European identities. To live, work, travel extensively, do business with, or form deep connections with other parts of Europe.

The future prosperity and happiness of our country depends on fighting to regain these freedoms.

Our movement can shift the dial

We have been at the forefront of the fight for a European future for 74 years. We led the country into Europe the first time, and now we are leading the fight again.

We must take our place in the heart of Europe - that's where our roots are. We're the only organisation dedicated to rebuilding bridges with Europe and winning the battle for the soul of our country.

We're already a powerful force, with more than 100 highly effective local campaign groups on the ground. But we need to be even bigger to take on the mammoth task of overturning Brexit.

Unlike the pro-Brexit lobby, we are not funded by private interest groups or big business. We're a grassroots movement and what we do is entirely funded by smaller donations from people like you. 100% of what we raise on this page will go straight towards our campaign to reverse the calamity of Brexit.

Between now and the next general election, we have a crucial window to influence politicians. With your help, we can change the political landscape to make rebuilding our relationship with Europe possible. The more we raise, the more we can achieve and the faster we'll get there.


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This project offered rewards

£75 or more

Campaign materials!

£75 can print 2,500 campaign leaflets to distribute in key areas of the country.

£25 or more

Help to take our message out there!

£25 could help us reach 3,000 people on social media with a pro-European message.

£50 or more

Fund a local action day!

£50 can fund a local action day to talk to people on the ground about the damage of Brexit

£150 or more

Upskill campaigners!

£150 could help us run a training for campaigners so they can create effective change in their community

£300 or more

Run the show!

£300 could help put on a political event so we can start conversations with MPs

£1,000 or more

Fund a nationwide day of action!

£1000 could fund a nationwide action day so we can reach people in all corners of the UK via our grassroots campaigner network

Show your support

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