Legal fees to expose Lions Hastings Pier Ltd fraud

by P1066w in Hastings, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Legal fees to expose Lions Hastings Pier Ltd fraud
We did it
On 4th August 2023 we successfully raised £3,876 with 105 supporters in 28 days

Lions Hastings Pier Ltd have now applied for voluntary liquidation to avoid its debts this is to crowdfund legal fees to expose fraud.

by P1066w in Hastings, East Sussex, United Kingdom

After the take over of Hastings Pier by Abid Guzar's company Lions Hastings Pier Ltd, the company made despicable actions and allegations against the Pier staff which resulted in several Employment Tribunals and legal actions all of which were judged against Lions Hastings Pier Ltd demonstrating breaches of Health and Safety, sexual harassment, failure to pay employees, breaking contracts and making false allegations. Minor cases were settled and others outstanding. To bring Lions Hastings Pier to book during their voluntary (and calculated) liquidation, the legal fees are substantial as were the Employment Tribunal fees. Companies and Directors which behave so badly time and time again must not be allowed to get away with their fraudulent activities. 

The first Liquidator meeting is Thursday 3rd August. Steps to expose illegal trading will be decided after this. 

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