Leap Dance Festival

by Leap Dance Festival in Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom

Total raised £5,418

raised so far



We are fundraising for our ongoing efforts to provide dance activity for young people, communities and pro dancers in Liverpool City Region.

by Leap Dance Festival in Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 9th November 2023 we'd raised £5,165 with 207 supporters in 42 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

 New stretch target

Leap Dance Festival 2024 is officially underway and we are delighted that we have been able to support local young people, community groups and professional artists through this festival.

We have a packed programme featuring local schools, colleges and universities. Dance schools and groups from across Liverpool City Region are performing at several events during the festival. 

There's circus, tap, jazz, contemporary, ballet, swing, breakdance, vogue and so much more on offer reflecting the diverse artists that make up our city region. 

Last year, with your support we raised £5000 setting the wheels in motion for LEAP 2024. This was a massive show of support and gained confidence from funders.

We are already thinking about the future and what LEAP 2025 might look like. We cannot do this without the vital support of our backers. 

This year we have a lot of FREE events with pop up performances in museums, across Liverpool City Centre and online. 

If you can donate this helps to provide opportunities for all to access dance performance.

Leap Dance Festival, Liverpool City Region's festival of dance is back for 2024. Leap is more than a dance festival, it is a celebration of our city region, the people that live here and the diverse communities that bring our city to life. 

Throughout May 2024, Liverpool City Region will come alive with dance. Performances will take place in theatres, in cultural venues, in parks and public spaces and on the streets. Young people, community groups and professional artists will come together in unique celebration of dance

100% of the money raised through this crowd funder will be spent on dance activity, every £1 you pledge will provide increased opportunities to take part in workshops, perform and watch live dance.


Let's make life that little bit more exciting, let's celebrate the talent's of others, let's provide people in our city region with the opportunities to live happy successful lives, let's dance together. We all love a boogie, whether its on a night out, at a family party, in the shower or when cleaning the house so let's shine a spotlight on dance.  

We've got a great programme of activity planned, but we can only achieve our ambition with your support. From Breakdance to Vogue, Capoeira and Tap there is something for everyone in our festival line up. We've got activities for families to enjoy for free and ticketed events including cabaret and contemporary dance performances. 

Our goal 

We are looking to raise £5000 through this crowdfunding to support our ambition to

  • Provide opportunities for young people to participate in dance workshops, performance platforms and see live dance. 
  • Bring community groups from across the city region together through their love of dance.
  • Allow artists across Liverpool City Region to showcase their work in a range settings. 
  • Commission new work from artists based in our city region. 
  • Create development opportunities for emerging artists. 

Since April we have been building support with partner organisations and have received a small amount of funding from Culture Liverpool with in kind support from Liverpool Hope University and Archbishop Blanch C of E High School, meaning activity of some sort can take place.


Key milestones 

£150 will provide a bursary for an emerging artist to take part in The Liverpool Dance Prize. 

£500 will pay for a company to perform in our outdoor celebration of dance. 

£800 will pay for an artist to present a new work in a theatre setting. 

£3000 will pay for our youth dance platform, bringing dance schools and groups from across Liverpool City Region together to showcase their work. 

£5000 will pay for all of the above providing 4 artist bursaries for The Liverpool Dance Prize. 

We know times are hard and we are all feeling the pinch, that's why crowd funding works, the wider our reach the more potential donors we have. We need 500 backers at £10 each to reach our target. 

If you have got some extra cash that you can give, or perhaps you are planning to go sober for October and could spare the cost of a couple of pints/bottle of wine, we would be eternally grateful.

Please share our campaign with friends, family, colleagues and on social media. Follow us on social media to stay up to date with our progress and support grass roots arts and culture in Liverpool City Region. 

Thank you, 

Leap Dance Festival Team 


Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£10 or more

£10 Reward

Name in festival programme as an official supporter | Shout out on social media

£20 or more

£20 Reward

Name in programme as a festival supporter | Handwritten thank you from Leap Dance Festival | Shout out on social media

£50 or more

Cabaret tickets

2x tickets for Electric Speakeasy Cabaret 27.04.24 I Name in programme as a supporter | Handwritten thank you from Leap Dance Festival team | Shout out on social media

£100 or more

Festival Pass

Festival pass with access to all performances | Name listed as a supporter in programme | Shout out on social media | Handwritten thank you from Leap Dance Festival team

£150 or more

Liverpool Dance Prize Bursary

Sponsor an artist bursary for The Liverpool Dance Prize 10.05.24 | 5x Tickets for The Liverpool Dance Prize with pre show drinks and meet the artists before the show | Name/logo in the programme as an official supporter | Handwritten thank you from Leap Dance Festival team | Shout out on social media

£500 or more

Liverpool Dance Prize

Sponsor Liverpool Dance Prize event | 10x tickets to Liverpool Dance prize with pre show drinks | Meet the artists | Your name/logo in programme as an official sponsor | Logo on Liverpool Dance Prize event banner (if applicable) | Shout out on social media/website | Hand written thank you from Leap Dance Festival Team

£1,000 or more

Silver Festival Sponsor

Your logo on all print and web based media. (Print media including flyers, programmes 6000 copies and posters distributed across Liverpool City Region) | Logo displayed on event banners at all live events (expected audiences in excess of 13000) | Logo on digital assets including dance films commissioned for the festival (online audience 5000) | 10x tickets for launch cabaret with pre show drinks 27.04.24

£1,500 or more

Gold Festival Sponsor

Your logo on all print & web based media. (Print media including flyers, programmes 6000 copies and posters distributed across Liverpool City Region) | Logo displayed on event banners at all live events (expected audience in excess of 13000) | Logo on digital assets including dance films commissioned for the festival (online audience 5000) |10x tickets for launch cabaret with pre show drinks | Workshop for your staff with festival artist/company

Show your support

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