LaserWays Expansion

by Anthony Martin in Durham, England, United Kingdom

LaserWays Expansion
We did it
On 19th October 2020 we successfully raised £15,025 with 12 supporters in 20 days

The COVID19 pandemic created a very uncertain landscape at a time where LaserWays were due to expand with the opening of a second clinic

by Anthony Martin in Durham, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Surplus target money will contribute to further expansion allowing LaserWays Durham to invest in more equipment and machinery enabling more services to be offered and further growth of the business.

The global COVID19 pandemic created an uncertain landscape at a time where LaserWays were due to expand with the opening of a second clinic in Durham.

LaserWays Durham was due to open in June (2020) however due to increased Government restrictions imposed to control the impact of COVID19, plans for expansion were postponed.

Funds raised through this Crowdfunder will ensure LaserWays Durham can open within the next 2 months in order to ensure LaserWays Clinics continues to grow and offer laser tattoo and additional services in the future.

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