by Helene Rodger in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

We did it
On 8th January 2020 we successfully raised £10,449 with 131 supporters in 34 days

KuzaKash App by MoneyMatiX helps parents become their children's financial role-models by showing them how to plan and achieve money goals

by Helene Rodger in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

We will test and deploy the KuzaKash financial goal setting app through the KuzaKash Ambassador programme.

MoneyMatiX is a reputable RBS Accelerator-based Fintech company that is developing KuzaKash, a family financial goal setting app. Kuza means to grow, to nurture or to blossom. The MoneyMatiX founders are passionate about equipping the future generation with healthy money management skills. 

KuzaKash is an easy to use financial goal-setting tool that brings parents and children together to talk and learn about money. The parents become financial role models while the children learn the true value of money.

MoneyMatiX currently delivers financial Education via KuzaLearn workshops to children in primary & secondary schools as well as in community groups and their experience from this highlighted the need for young people to see health money habits in practice.  

The financial education of children is key for them to become financially empowered adults. Good money management is a skill that many people struggle to pass on to young people both at home and at school. We are extremely excited to provide a first-of-its-kind product that can provide a visual way of showing in practice what healthy money management looks like. The beauty with KuzaKash is that the parent does not have to be excellent at money management themselves because the APP prompts healthy conversations and behaviours making it fun and inclusive for everyone. 

Through our KuzaLearn programme, which is filled with fun games and engaging activities, we enable children to establish a strong foundation for life-long financial independence and well-being. BUT THERE HAS BEEN ONE THING MISSING... Learning by doing. Our APP helps to provide continued financial guidance with parental involvement which gives emphasis and continuity. We decided to involve parents as we know children learn lasting habits at home by seeing and doing. KuzaKash presents a platform that allows parents, grandparents, friends and children to set financial goals together and impact a future generation with healthy financial management skills.  

Why Families?

Role modelling is a very important aspect for us, we carried out in-depth research, which revealed that many people lack information and skills to deal with daily money decisions or safeguard against emergencies. The same research revealed that 76% of young people turn to family & friends for financial guidance finding no role models to learn from which leads to a vicious cycle of poor financial wellbeing. We are keen to break this cycle and KuzaKash is how we solve the problem.


We are 2 moms with 5 beautiful children and uncountable nieces & nephews between us. We understand first hand the importance of teaching our children the value of money. We started this business first and foremost to help our kids understand the financial cultural differences of how we operated with money versus what the financial norms in Scotland were. Being from Uganda and having been brought up in a cash-based business environment we both default to cash is king, budget and plan then spend. Our firstborn children who were around 8 at the time were starting to question our approach to money as opposed to all the chat in their circles about credit and hire purchase. 

We then discovered that the problem was not unique to us, financial illiteracy is, in fact, a global predicament that cuts across culture, race or status. We engaged with, Professor Tina Harrison a financial inclusion expert at the University of Edinburgh whose research backed up our findings. We have since increased our reach by training youth MoneyMatiX champions who deliver KuzaLearn to their peers, we have also been joined by an amazing software development team who have experience building financial software that works. 

Our Ask?

We are seeking £12,000 to help us complete the alpha phase of KuzaKash and begin software testing.

Why financial goal setting?

  • Goals allow you to make realistic plans
  • Goals allow you to track progress
  • Goals push you to prioritize
  • Goals build accountability
  • Goals give you a reason to celebrate

Here is some independent feedback carried out by Edinburgh University Business School from parents who have worked with us to date.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£100 or more

£100 KuzaKash Ambassador

Nominate a family to join the MoneyMatiX community and put the APP through rigorous testing to ensure that family needs continue to be at the core of the KuzaKash agenda.

£10 or more

£10 Thank you.

This will give you a nice feeling that your pledge will help us engage with parents and children and you are part of the movement supporting to eradicate such a big problem and making the world a better place

£20 or more

£20 Ebook

Receive our ebook guide to helping your children to become financially savvy.

£50 or more

£50 Founding Supporter

You'll be named (if you want!) as a founding supporter of KuzaKash. Get access to our private beta programme

£200 or more

£200 Financial Education Workshop

Nominate a child (up to 3 children per reward) to attend a full day KuzaLearn financial education workshop and get access to our private beta programme.

£300 or more

£300 Sponsor a school for an assembly

This is an amazing gift for the two co-founders to go and speak at a school assembly on Financial Education. An assembly reaches out to a large group of students about how managing their money can help them in the future, how they can influence their families and communities positively when it comes to managing money. It opens their eyes to a topic that will help them in the future. The school must be based in Scotland.

£500 or more

£500 Dinner with Helene & Tynah

Dinner with the two Co-Founders of MoneyMatix: Helene and Tynah are two inspirational women solving problems that they have experienced themselves, their story is amazing so you will be inspired by sitting at a dinner table with them.

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