Knead to Know...more: Microbakery handbook

by Chris Young in London, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 2nd August 2021 we successfully raised £10,091 ( + est. £715.25 Gift Aid ) with 271 supporters in 28 days

Informing, inspiring and supporting the next wave of microbakers bringing Real Bread to the hearts of their local communities.

by Chris Young in London, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Thanks to our backers we'll publish Knead to Know...more in October 2021!

If you'd still like to support our charity's work, please head to

The more dough you help us to raise, the more our charity will be able to do to inform, inspire and support community microbakers.

This will include the Friends In Knead pay-it-forward scheme allowing people to fund a copy of the book for us to pass on to others who are serious about starting a bakery microbusiness but face extra obstacles doing so. 

Initially we will be working with Luminary Bakery and The School of Artisan Food to make this happen.

Extra dough will also allow us to print extra copies of the book and do more, such as running webinars and other events.

Thanks to our backers we published Knead to Know...more in November 2021.

If you'd like to buy a copy and find out about the rest of our charity's work, please head to

Our charity needs YOUR help to inform and inspire the next generation of microbakers bringing Real Bread to the hearts of their local communities.

Back in 2011, Sustain published Knead to Know, the Real Bread Campaign's groundbreaking handbook for budding bready businessfolk. Since then much has changed, while (micro)bakers in our midst have racked up a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. We felt it was high time to harvest the hive mind and produce an updated and expanded 10th anniversary edition. 

The completely revised new edition is even more packed with information and advice on business planning, equipment, marketing and more. It goes on to guide microbakers expanding their business, including moving to larger premises and taking on staff members.

Though mainly aimed at entrepreneurs in the UK, we've added in sippets of advice for Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and the USA, where the original edition was also devoured.

How you can help 

Knead to Know...more is (more or less) written and so now we just need YOUR dough so we can publish it.

Please pledge £10 or more - the more we get, the more copies we can print and more besides.

Your reward 

We’ve gone back to the simple roots of crowdfunding. Everyone who pledges £10 or more will get namechecked on our website and a wodge of gratitude. You might well also experience warm and fuzzy feelings from helping the next wave of Real Bread bakers... 

Like fans enabling their favourite act to record and release the next album, by selecting a reward for a pledge of £20 or more you will receive a copy of the book* ahead of the official publication date.  

Don’t want/need a copy? No worries, we’re running a pay-it-forward scheme so you can give a leg up to someone else.

Everyone who selects a £50 or more reward will get all of the above, plus their name in the roll of honour in the book itself.

Major backers will get a more prominent mention in the book.

NB If you want a reward, please select one of them, rather than the donation option, which doesn't trigger a reward. Want to pledge £20 or more, would like a reward but want like to chip in more than one of the fixed-amount reward options? First click on one of the fixed-amount options (£20, £50, £100, £500) with a reward attached. If you then want to top up the amount you can make an additional donation on the payments page.

*A physical copy posted to a UK address or PDF to download anywhere.

What readers said about the original Knead to Know

“The most practical book for anyone thinking of starting a bakery enterprise.”  Emma Parkin, Emma’s Bread, Exeter 

“There are lots of books with bread recipes in them, but only one with a bakehouse recipe.” Alex Lister, Rise Artisan Bakehouse, Durham

“The book was invaluable to me when I was starting Wild Bread.”  James Thorn, Wild Bread, Faversham  

"Knead to Know was massively helpful when I started the Stoneham Bakehouse journey.” Simon Cobb, Stoneham Bakehouse, Hove

“This book was a goldmine for us back in the day.” Max Tobias, The Dusty Knuckle, London

"The book was biblical for my personal journey!" Jo Bottrill, Jo’s Loaves, Bedfordshire

"It's just the sort of book I wish I'd had when I started out.” Mark Stambler, Pagnol Boulanger, California

What are you still reading this for? 

Hurry: This crowdfunding campaign ends on Sunday 1 August, but please don't wait until then!

Please also help us spread the word on social media and in real life.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£20 or more

142 of 300 claimed

A copy of the book

You get your mitts on a copy of the book* or pay it forward to someone who needs it more than you do. This is on top of your name on the online roll of honour. *If you're in the UK, you can choose either the dead tree technology (paper) version, P&P included, or a PDF. Outside the UK you can choose to receive the PDF or pay it forward.

£10 or more

Gratitude, online namecheck and a warm glow

We'll include your name in the roll of honour on our website and are pretty confident that you'll get war and fuzzy feeling from knowing you've helped make this great book a reality.

£50 or more

33 of 150 claimed

Immortalisation in the book

Not only do you get a copy of the book* but you can flick to the roll of honour to see (and show) your name in the list of people who helped make it a reality. *If you're in the UK, you can choose either the dead tree technology (paper) version, P&P included, or a PDF. Outside the UK you can choose to receive the PDF or pay it forward.

£101 or more

12 of 50 claimed

A bigger thank you in the book

As the title suggests, this reward is basically the same as the fifty quid one, except it's a bigger and bolder. Might even be in a different font.

£500 or more

Deeper gratitude for deeper pockets

We're fully into "ask not what the Real Bread Campaign can do for you..." territory, here. If you believe in this cause, want to see the book published and can spare this sort of dough, we're hopeful that you can live without a carrot bigger than the one we're dangling for people chipping in fifty notes or more.

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