Donate £5 and nominate 5 people and lets us celebrate Keirans birthday and allow more lives to be saved. All monies will go to saving lives through education and purchasing life saving defibrillators.
Keirans 21st birthday is on the 23rd June 2020 a one which should be filled with celebration and laughter. Keiran our only child and son aged 16 on the 20th March 2016 was involved in a fatal accident and he will be unable to celebrate a special birthday with friends and family. Due to Covid 19 our aim of raising £21,000 for Keirans birthday has halted.
Help us by taking part in Keirans 21st Challenge, you can do anything with 21 in the challenge, walk, cycle 21k, run 2.1 miles, 21 press ups, 21 hoola hoops, 21 pals for an online chat, anything is possible to honour this young man who has already saved lives and make his 21st birthday one that changes the lives of many.
Please share your challenge with us and show the world that saving lives matter.
All monies raised will continue you to save lives through Keirans Legacy.
If you want to know more about Keiran and how his legacy has saved lives then follow us on facebook or on our webpage