'Keep on Rolling'

by Newport Cricket Club in Newport, United Kingdom

We did it
On 4th February 2022 we successfully raised £15,932 ( + est. £1856.50 Gift Aid ) with 104 supporters in 49 days

Following the demise of the Club's 23 year old Roller, the purchase of a new one has become essential to maintain high quality match wickets

by Newport Cricket Club in Newport, United Kingdom

Newport Cricket Club would like to purchase a new heavy roller to assist with the preparation of Cricket wickets at the Club's ground. The current heavy roller is 23 years old and has been patched up with 3 replacement engines during it's lifetime. The last 2 years have seen significant deterioration and the 2021 season was very difficult, with the roller's reliability becoming more erratic as the season progressed. The roller eventually came to a standstill in September, thankfully, just two weeks before the Cricket season finished - we just about saved any embarrassment! Unfortunately, the current roller is in a state of bad repair and mechanics have recommended that a new roller is now needed after diagnosing engine failure, faults in the hydraulic system and several oil, diesel and hydraulic oil leaks.

A heavy roller is the single most important piece of equipment needed on a Cricket ground in order to prepare the playing wicket and 'square'. Without a reliable motorised heavy roller, it's impossible to prepare a good playing wicket, with a lack of preparation resulting in inconsistent bounce and even a dangerous playing surface. With a poor playing surface, there can be no meaningful Cricket played. 

Newport Cricket Club runs 4 senior men's teams and 8 Junior Boys teams (U9, U11, U13, U15, U17, U19). The Club also has a fantastic Women and Girls section, which has expanded hugely in recent years catering for Women's Hardball and Softball teams, together with 3 Girls teams (U11, U13 & U15). All of the club's teams use the grass wickets at the ground, so the demands on the ground are very high making the purchase of a new reliable heavy roller essential. 

In addition to Newport Cricket Club matches, many other high profile matches are played at the Club - Glamorgan CCC (1sts & 2nds), Wales National Counties, Wales Women & Girls teams, Wales age group teams and Cardiff UCCE. In addition the club host the annual Wales v England Disability matches, with matches played at various categories. Both Welsh Fire Men's and Women's teams used the ground for training during The Hundred match programme in 2021. 

All of the Club's user groups require a very well prepared playing surface, so a new roller is vital for the 2022 Cricket season and we hope that you can support our Crowdfunder appeal. 


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£65 or more

12 Week Winter Coaching Programme

For a £65 donation Newport Cricket Club will provide 1 place on their Winter Coaching Programme

£10 or more

Fixture Booklet

For a £10 donation you will receive a free Fixture Booklet

£25 or more

Museum Guided Tour

For a £25 donation Newport Cricket Club will provide a guided Tour of the Club's fantastic Cricket Museum (with Coffee/Tea & Biscuits)

£80 or more

Four 1:1 Coaching Sessions

For an £80 donation Newport Cricket Club will provide four 1:1 coaching sessions

£160 or more

Eight 1:1 Coaching Sessions

For an £160 donation Newport Cricket Club will provide eight 1:1 coaching sessions

£250 or more

Ground Advertising Sponsorship

By pledging £250 your company will receive a ground advertising banner

£500 or more

£500 Reward

Donate £500 and have restricted access to the Club's pavilion balcony to enjoy your own Match Day experience with friends and family, or work colleagues.

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