Keep Danny and his Bass guitar

by Save Danny Mccormack’s bass in Ipswich, England, United Kingdom

Keep Danny and his Bass guitar
We did it
On 2nd March 2022 we successfully raised £1,082 with 41 supporters in 7 days

News has arrived that Danny Mccormack has to sell his iconic Fender bass, the one we’ve all seen live and heard on the records.

by Save Danny Mccormack’s bass in Ipswich, England, United Kingdom

If Danny has to sell this bass to survive it will be tragic. It’s him. It’s part of him, the Wildhearts sound. She’s a beauty, but only in his hands. So let’s all chip in and make sure it stays with him. I’ve set a target of £1000, that bass is worth far more, because of what she ( the bass) means to him and us as fans. He has a sound, because of that bass, it’s integral to the Wildhearts.
Please give what you can. Let’s give back, pay it forward, let’s ensure we hear it on the next Wildhearts album and see her live.

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