Help South Asian women get centre stage

by Kali Theatre in London, England, United Kingdom

Total raised £5,465

raised so far

+ est. £1277.50 Gift Aid



To make a film that will support Kali's much needed work to ensure the voice of UK South Asian women writers is heard in British theatres

by Kali Theatre in London, England, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 6th May 2021 we'd raised £5,445 with 57 supporters in 35 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

We are Kali Theatre. Britain’s only theatre company dedicated to creating and presenting new plays by South Asian women writers.  

Kali was established 30 years ago, when actor Rita Wolf wanted to tell the true story of a South Asian woman murdered by her husband for running away to a refuge. Undeterred by the lack of interest from theatres, Rita and the writer Rukhsana Ahmad set up Kali Theatre to present the play.   

Since then, Kali has continued to produce intrepid, fearless theatre playing to national audiences, both live and online. 

We have supported over a hundred talented South Asian women playwrights, without bias against faith, race, class, sexual orientation or disability. Our work has empowered South Asian women to play a leading role in theatrical creativity.    

To mark our 30th birthday later this year, we want to make a short film that will tell Kali’s story – who we are, what we do and the importance of our work.   

This film will help us share our story with people across the world, grow our network of supporters and unlock funding opportunities so we can continue our vital work.  

COVID19 has severely disrupted our work, forcing the cancellation of all our live performances and writer support workshops.

When the pandemic comes to an end, we are determined to re-establish our writer support programme and create more exciting new plays that reflect and comment on our lives today.  

We are also committed to restarting our national touring to present these plays in theatres across England, championing representation and inspiring new audiences from all backgrounds.  

Please help us to make this happen by donating today

And check out all the unique rewards we are offering in return for donations   

What our writers have said about us:          

             'Kali Theatre's work is essential to writers whose voices                                                                                       would otherwise remain unheard'

            'Being given a sense that your work is valid and you have                                                                                  something worth saying is priceless'                                                                                                                     

What people have said about our SOLOs work created in response to the COVID19 crisis:

      'Just watched yet another incredible piece produced by @kalitheatreUK'

      'A credit to Kali in these dark times'

      'Thank you @KaliTheatreUK for continuing to creatively thrive                                                                                                       in this difficult time'

Find out more on our website:











Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£10 or more

Our gratitude

Our deep gratitude for your generosity

£20 or more

Social Media Shout Out

Social Media Shout Out to say thank you

£25 or more

Kali Tote Bag

One of our unique Kali Tote Bags +A Social Media Shout Out to say thank you

£30 or more

Kali anthology of play extracts

A signed copy of the forthcoming Methuen book of 30 extracts from ground breaking plays Kali has produced over the past 30 years. +A Social Media Shout Out to say thank you

£50 or more

2 Tickets & programmes to our next production

2 tickets to our next production in London +Programmes +Your name included on our special supporters page in the programme

£60 or more

Introduction to Writing for Theatre Workshop

A place on a 2hr small group workshop: Introduction to Writing for Theatre. Led by renowned playwright and co-founder of Kali Theatre, Rukhsana Ahmed

£60 or more

Workshop: Full of Light-Stories We Have to Tel

Place on a small group workshop: Full of Light - The Stories We Have to Tell. Led by Jocelyn Watson, winner of the 2014 Asian Writer Short Story Competition. An opportunity to retrieve and explore stories from our memories of what we have seen, heard and dreamt of. Using the metaphor of light, this workshop will add new dimensions to your life and the lives of your characters

£60 or more

Workshop - How to Tackle a New Leadership Role

Place on small group workshop: Don’t be Scared - How to Tackle a New Leadership Role Led by Alison Mcfadyen, Chair of Kali whose day job is Head of Internal Audit for Standard Chartered Bank where she leads a team of 550 people in 35 countries. In her view, whether you are leading a big team in business or running a family, the same core skills will help you do it well. Alison will share the lessons she has learned over her 38 year career.

£60 or more

1-1 Coaching to Refine an Audition Speech

Refining an Audition Speech A 1-1 coaching session over Zoom for a young actor with Helena Bell, Kali's award winning Artistic Director, refining the performance of an audition speech, ready for their next audition.

£60 or more

Workshop: Finessing Your Film

Place on a small group workshop: Finessing Your Film. Led by film maker, Shiroma Silva in which you can show your short film or an extract from it and receive tips and advice on how it could be improved on, visually or editorially, in the next stage or in making your next film.

£75 or more

Limited Edition Artist's Print

A Limited Edition Artist's Print (30 x40cm) selected from one of 5 original works by international contemporary artist, Shivani Mathur

£100 or more

2 Tickets to Next Production +Drinks Reception

2 tickets to next production in London +Programmes +drinks reception with cast afterwards +name included on special supporters page in programme

£200 or more

5 tickets to Next Production +Drinks Reception

5 tickets to next production in London +drinks reception with cast afterwards +Your name included on special supporters page in programme

£500 or more

Birthday Reception +Name on Film Credits

Invitation to Kali's 30th Birthday Reception +Your name listed as a supporter on the film credits +Your name listed as a Kali Angel on our website & our programmes for 1 year

£1,000 or more

Show Tickets & Dinner with Shelley King

6 tickets to next production in London +Reception with cast +Dinner for 2 in London with Shelley King +Special thanks in the programme +Your name listed as supporter on Kali's website for 1 year

Show your support

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