Help ‘JUST A CARD’ support independent businesses

by JUST A CARD in London, England, United Kingdom

Total raised £23,699

raised so far



To redesign resources: downloadable posters, postcards, inserts, stickers, graphics for web and SM. To help with campaign costs and website

by JUST A CARD in London, England, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 24th June 2020 we'd raised £23,559 with 1364 supporters in 14 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

 New stretch target

Should the campaign be fortunate enough to exceed our £10k target we would put any additional funds to excellent use. We would love funds to be able to pay for help on a freelance basis, both to administer and grow the campaign. At present the workload far exceeds our volunteer capacity, as we all have businesses too. The ability to pay someone to do some everyday tasks would lighten our load considerably. Stretch funds would also pay towards development towards promoting the message and making more people aware of the campaign, to the benefit of all involved.  

JUST A CARD is a grassroots, volunteer led campaign encouraging people to support, value and buy from artists, makers, independent shops and small businesses.

Listen to the campaign founder Sarah Hamilton share the story of JUST A CARD:



The idea driving the campaign is very simple -

JUST A CARD is a call to action! By using cards as an example, the message reminds people that all sales however small, just a card, just a book, just a gift keep independents in business.

In the five years since it began, the campaign has made such a big impact because it goes further than simply saying ‘Shop Local’ - it makes people think. More and more people are reading the JUST A CARD window stickers or posters, spotting the logo and pin badges, and are being prompted to consider buying from independents, recognising how much they enrich our lives.

JUST A CARD is about far more than shopping. Its about thousands of people across the world uniting to celebrate creativity, imagination and sheer hard work. It’s about shops, markets, fairs, fetes, art groups - anywhere in happier times - where people enjoy being part of a shared community. Of course online businesses and communities are a huge part of this too - now more than given the current circumstances. Everyone’s welcome to be part of JUST A CARD, wherever they are independents or not.


Funds from this Crowdfunder will not only help towards running costs, they will also pay to update the campaign website. But most importantly this will fund the design of clearer downloadable posters and postcards in a range of sizes for shops, events, fairs and shows, and inserts and stickers for online orders, plus better graphic to use on websites and social media. These tools and resources would benefit so many, as the campaign works best when people engage with the message.

*Please see notes about rewards below. 


PLEASE NOTE: This is an ‘all or nothing’ Crowdfunder, meaning we HAVE to hit our £10k target if we are to receive any money. If you make a pledge funds will only be taken from your account at the end of this Crowdfunder if and when we hit the target. We chose this option because we can’t afford to provide these new resourses and update our website unless we hit this £10k target.


In these five years at JUST A CARD, we’ve had some phenomenal successes.

Over 17,000 shops worldwide have our windows stickers, and many thousands are part of our very friendly, mutually supportive community. We’re often in the press, and on BBC radio and TV. Last year Lauren Laverne featured INDIE WEEK, our independent alternative to Black Friday, across the week on her BBC radio 6 music show. And the red carpet love doesn’t stop there!

Many of you will have seen the incredible London Underground poster campaign, with Funding Circle and Anno’s Africa, where 15 top stars of TV and film backed our JUST A BOOK project. Make sure you hop over to the website to take a look at these beautiful portraits and spot your favourite stars wearing the iconic JUST A CARD pin badges!



It’s difficult to put a price on all the things people tell us they value about the JUST A CARD, so the hope is people won’t get too caught up in the minutiae of these rewards - really this is about pitching in.

You’ll see some of the rewards are access to the downloadable tools and resources once they are (fingers crossed!) designed. Whilst the initial thought was to make these available for people to use for free, some good friends of the campaign pointed out that most people who understand how JUST A CARD works would be happy to chip in a small fee to pay towards costs because, after all, without funds the campaign cannot exist anyway. 

Some may argue why would people pay for something which helps JUST A CARD but, when you think about it, you’re not doing this for the campaign, it’s about encouraging customers to recognise what all sales means to you, but also supporting the wider community by raising awareness and paying it forward. JUST A CARD is pretty sure most supporters will recognise this, and will want to download these tools and use them.

For those who really can’t afford to pay, the campaign may have a few free or sale days, to help and support everyone, but if you can please pitch in, as this will mean JUST A CARD is more likely to be able to keep running this campaign.

 THANK YOU so much for your support!

Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£10 or more

Full Access To JUST A CARD Tools & Resourses

FULL access to all JUST A CARD artwork, tools & resources. Once designed Artists, Makers, Independent Shops & Small Businesses will be able to download, print/use all posters (Available in 3 sizes: A1, A3, A4), postcards, stickers, inserts for online orders, website signs. Display in shops, at fairs/events, use them on Social Media & your websites to encourage people to support and buy from you, and all independents. ▫️ *Available for one year

£16 or more


This glorious A4 print is a ‘must have’ for everyone passionate about artists, makers, independent shops or small businesses and the JUST A CARD campaign message. Poem by: The Bespoke Bard Illustrated by: Jessica Hogarth SOLD UNFRAMED (Fits into standard A4 frame) PRINTED IN THE UK Portrait - A4 - 210 x 297mm 300gsm Accent Callisto Soft White Board. Expect 2/3 week delivery FREE UK DELIVERY. Please note this reward is for the print only.

£20 or more

Full Access to JAC resources + Yeshen’s webinars

Full access to JUST A CARD tools and resources listed above, plus free access to photographer & website designer Yeshen Venema's tutorial webinars for JUST A CARD in 2020 including: How to shoot and Edit Cutouts 5 Things your Website Needs Right Now The Ultimate Guide to Flatlay Photography Setting up your Home Photography Space + new webinars to be announced later in 2020 Available for one year

£100 or more

Star Supporter

Share your support for the JUST A CARD campaign, and all independents, by being listed as a Star Supporter on the website. Great to help the campaign continue its work. Great for you because the JUST A CARD website gets thousands of hits. This will include an image, 100 words about your business, and a link to your website. This will remain on the page for six months.

£250 or more

Superstar Supporter

Share your support for the JUST A CARD campaign, and for all independents, by being listed as a Superstar Supporter on the new website. Great for the campaign, and for all independents because you’re helping us to continue. Great for you because the JUST A CARD website gets thousands of hits. This will include an image, 100 words about your business, and a link to your website. Will remain on the page for 12 months. Plus post on Instagram.

Show your support

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