Jongleurs Kids Comedy Camp

by Kev Orkian in Ayot St. Peter, England, United Kingdom

Jongleurs Kids Comedy Camp
We did it
On 19th June 2021 we successfully raised £2,780 with 36 supporters in 48 days

Jongleurs Kids is designed to provide a platform for 8-15-year-olds interested in Stand-Up Comedy, through innovative and fun workshops.

by Kev Orkian in Ayot St. Peter, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

The extra income will help us run the course for a two-week period adding the opportunity to create a competition and award ceremony for all students to walk away with a prize.

My name is Kev Orkian and I have been in the Comedy/Entertainment business for 30 years. I have starred in many West-End musicals, Stand Up Comedy Shows, Cruises, Corporates, TV, and Film.

I became the CEO of Jongleurs in May 2020 and since then secured 15 venues around the UK providing Stand-Up Comedy. My mission is to nurture the future of our comedy industry by reaching out to students aged 8-15 year olds, who are interested in Comedy. So many children have suffered in silence during this pandemic, and it's our mission to get them to speak up and reconnect with new opportunities.

My team and I have connected with many Comedy professionals who want to give back to the next generation of Stars, the opportunity to learn from the best in our business. Our 5 days workshop is designed to teach students the art of telling a joke, performing a routine, audience engagement, and building confidence through innovative training. 

On the final day, the students are given the chance to perform on a real stage with the Jongleurs Set in front of a live audience. The experience is professionally recorded and each child has a copy to keep to share with their friends and family.

The project is totally free to any child wishing to join us. The money we raise will go towards funding Jongleurs T-shirts/Caps, Education Packs, Comedy Club DVD, Marketing on Social Media, and Posters to attract local Talent.

Our hope is that we continue this project in more than one location for the future, reaching students who haven't even tapped into their comedy genius. With your help we can make this a reality and bring laughter back to everyone.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£10 or more

£10 Donation

Spare us a tenner to help us achieve our goal, to bring laughter and stand-up comedy to every student for free.

£25 or more

£25 Reward

Pledge £25 today and we'll reward you with... a ticket to visit the Jongleurs Kids Stand Up Comedy performance. PLEDGE NOW> CLAIM LATER

£50 or more

£50 FUTURE...

Pledge £50 today and we'll reward you with... 2 tickets to visit the Jongleurs Kids Stand Up Comedy performance. PLEDGE NOW> CLAIM LATER

£100 or more

£100 FUTURE....

Pledge £100 today and you will receive 4 tickets to any one of our professional Stand Up Shows. PLEDGE NOW> CLAIM LATER

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