Join the Ecopreneurs for the Climate in Reading

by HabitatCO2lutio in Reading

We did it
On 12th December 2016 we successfully raised £6 with 1 supporters in 56 days

@ECO4CLIM_Rdg Join the Ecopreneurs for the Climate in Reading "Glocal Week of Green Business for #Climate, #Innovation + #Jobs OCT 24-30"

by HabitatCO2lutio in Reading

Climate change poses a phenomenal challenge to Humanity, yet it is also an incredible opportunity to create a new economy that works for all, and protects the one planet we’ve got. Plenty of people out there are striving to making this vision a reality. We are the Ecopreneurs for the Climate in Reading, part of a global movement tackling climate change via sound, innovative, and cooperative business CO2lutions.

The “Ecopreneurs for the Climate” gather this week in 14 different countries to leverage sustainable businesses tackling climate change - #ECO4CLIM16_Rdg

All throughout this week (October 24-30), 21 cities from 15 countries across the world are taking part in “Ecopreneurs for the Climate 2016” (, the “2016 Global Week of Green Business and the Climate Movement”; aimed at boosting the creation and scaling up the impact of cooperative, sustainable, and sound businesses solving the climate riddle.

Whether you are a student or an Ecopreneur, whether you are a free-lancer or work in an SME, or even in a large company, as long as you believe change is possible; our contribution makes a true difference for the people and the planet. This is your movement - Inclusive, diverse, fun and transformative. Your generous contribution to this campaign will in a few years develop 50 labs across the world / empower more than 500 ecopreneurs / generate 3,000 green jobs and directly avoid hundreds of tons of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Feel free to pledge-as-you-feel, campaign running until 6th December :)

How can you join?

First, come to the 2016 Global Week of Green Business and the Climate Movement, on October 24-30 ( Second, participate in climathons, where makers and activists co-create sustainable business CO2lutions for a zero-carbon and fair future. Create your own green & cool job! 

Also, join us for climate innovation journeys to the four corners of our planet. Learn about groundbreaking climate CO2lutions, explore and build international partnerships for sustainability. We will visit, network, and interact with ecopreneurs and changemakers leading the climate movement everywhere. Make your booking now! 

There is no Planet B. This is our Climate, our Home. We decide our Future. Our Common Future. We decide in Togethernessship! Join us, and be part of this "glocal" movement for the climate!

“Innovative business CO2lutions, supported by green economy ecosystems, are needed to mitigate and adapt to the challenges posed by climate change.”

In short, whether you are a student, an ecopreneur, work in an NGO, or in a large company; so long as you believe change is possible, this is your movement. Inclusive, diverse, fun and transformative :)


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£3 or more

£3 Reward

Climate Innovation Journey - Show your "glocal" support wherever you are - Description: Receive an update, a summary from our latest climate event direct to you mailbox. Sponsor this type of climate innovation, by doing so, you support the process towards a greener low-carbon economy. Join the climate movement. Estimated Delivery: November 2016

£29 or more

£29 Reward

Climate Innovation Journey in Reading - Description: Early-bird ticket for a climate innovation journey in Reading. Discover the green signs (businesses, non-profits, citizen-led initiatives…) in your community; join them, and grow the movement. Transportation (public system) arranged but not included in the price. Estimated Delivery: February 2017

£39 or more

£39 Reward

Sustainable Business Climathon - Description: Early-bird ticket for a weekend-long climathon where, alongside ecopreneurs, climate activists and NGOs, students, and a diversity of green economy and climate experts, you will be able to co-create sustainable business solutions to climate-related challenges; and generate green and quality jobs for you and your teammates. Delivery date: April 2017

£129 or more

£129 Reward

Climate Innovation Journey in the UK - Description: Early-bird ticket for a climate innovation journey in the UK (1-2 cities, consult destinations). 2 intense days in which you will meet leading ecopreneurs and cutting-edge sustainable initiatives tackling climate change. Travel expenses not included. Group arrangements and discounts available. Delivery date: March 2017

£229 or more

£229 Reward

Climate Innovation Journey in Europe - Description: Early-bird ticket for a climate innovation journey in Europe (2 cities, consult destinations). Join us for 3 days of enriching experiences and valuable connections to boost a zero-carbon, equitable economy in your part of the world. Travel expenses not included. Group arrangements and discounts available. Delivery date: March 2017

£499 or more

£499 Reward

World Climate Innovation Journey - Description: Early-bird ticket for a climate innovation journey across any country within ECO4CLIM’s global network (2-3 cities, consult destinations). Embark with us on a 5-day adventure of endless exploring, inspiration and world-class innovation. Build sound international partnerships and seize business opportunities for a livable climate. Travel expenses not included. Group arrangements and discounts available. Delivery date: April 2017

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