Hi, I'm Jess Brown-Fuller,
I'm campaigning to be your MP for the Chichester constituency.
With your help, I want to raise £10,000 to support my campaign.
I am fundraising because elections are expensive. We read every day about the massive "donations for favours" given to the Conservatives. The Liberal Democrats do not have rich benefactors or trade union dues to fund our campaigns. Instead, we rely on the generosity and support of people like you. I am building my campaign fund now, so that, with the help of my supporters and Team, I will be ready whenever the general election is finally called.
Our constituency has nearly 77,500 voters in c.44,000 households - that's a lot of people to get in contact with and doors to knock on! I want to ensure that as many people as possible are convinced to Say YES to JESS.
With your donations, we will be able to:
- Drive home a message of 'Say YES to JESS, Say YES to CHANGE'.
- Execute a winning campaign across leaflets, letters, and social media - to reach all voters.
- Coordinate the hundreds of brilliant volunteers supporting Chichester Liberal Democrats.
- Fund our HQ office in Chichester.
- Fund the campaign team working hard in the background to help get me elected as your next MP.
I'm standing as your Parliamentary Candidate because, like you, I don't want to be represented by a Conservative MP in Westminster for a minute longer.
We need a local MP who understands the real challenges that local people, who are living and working in Chichester and the surrounding area, are facing - and who will fight for solutions that make a positive difference here.
We need a local MP who will genuinely stand up for residents against Southern Water's environmental vandalism, and who is championing a radical rethink of the water industry so that we can put a stop to sewage dumping once and for all.
We need a local MP who will fight for a fundamental overhaul of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) - to provide the protection against predatory property developers, who are building on agricultural land, on flood plains, and without the infrastructure of schools, GPs, dentists, and roads in place to support those new houses. Those same houses are in the wrong places and are being sold at prices that are unaffordable to local people.
We need a local MP who will stand up for the NHS. St. Richard's has suffered the consequences of Tory underfunding and has been downgraded from 'Outstanding' to 'Needs Improvement'. Consultation waiting times are appalling. Doctors, nurses, and medical staff are undervalued. GP appointments are a rarity, and our county is officially designated a 'dental desert'. The Liberal Democrats recognise that like other large national institutions, the NHS needs to adapt to changing times, technology, and practices – but it cannot be expected to do this with a lack of staff, equipment, and political commitment. I will give that commitment.
We need a local MP who will put their community first. We need a Chichester MP who will put Chichester first. I have lived in the area since I was 9 years old. I went to university here, have settled here and am bringing up my own family here. I have been involved in my community for many years - in charity groups, choirs, local businesses, on the board at Chichester Festival Theatre, as a town councillor and district councillor, and of course via the Chichester Liberal Democrats.
I'm stepping up because I want to help change the political narrative. I want to end 'Broken Britain' and I want to end a century of conservative MPs in Chichester constituency.
With your help, we can change our politics. Please donate what you can to help my campaign. Thank you.
You can read more about my campaign here: https://www.chichesterlibdems.co.uk/say-yes-to-jess/home
PLEASE NOTE: You are donating to a political party. This means that if you are donating £500.01 or more, your details will be checked to ensure that you are registered on a UK electoral register. If you donate £2,230.01 or more to the Liberal Democrats, your name (but not your address) and the amount of the donation will be reported to the Electoral Commission for publication on their public register of donations to the Liberal Democrats. The money you use to make a donation must be from your funds. You must not pass on money to the Liberal Democrats from a third party. It is an offence not to reveal the true source of a donation. Please call the Liberal Democrats on 0207 022 0988 or email: [email protected] if you have any queries about your donation.
Published and promoted by Kate O'Kelly (Agent) on behalf of Jess Brown-Fuller, Chichester Liberal Democrats, Richard Cobden House, Lion Street, Chichester, PO19 1LW. Video: filmed and produced by Simon Cooke Films - Contact: [email protected]